The World needs more Supernatural speculation

Sep 21, 2008 23:13

I saw some people going down the "Castiel ain't actually God's Angel, he'll turn out a Fallen", or even "the Angels are going to turn out to be batguano insane and hate all humans because they're jelous of us" road. And while I think either idea had LOTS of potential, I think it would just be unnecessarly complicating a storyline that will be plenty complicated just taken straight in the "God has work for Dean, Demons have work for Sam, Brother against Brother OMG!"

If we were to get, say, another two seasons (besides this one) then yeah, I'd vote for angel=batguano insane story, but seeing as even this might be our last season (since networks are fikle as anything, etc.) I hope they don't put too much stuff on the pile, and actually resolve some of the issues they've brought up.

Besides, there's nothing stopping them from making angels real sociopaths when it comes to dealing with humans and our puny lives. Look at how Castiel treated his "vessel" (small aside, but during the episode when he said "he prayed for this" I immediately thought "who on Earth prays to be possesed by an angel??? Have I lived such a sheltered life? I've never heard of this! Maybe the poor guy was totally insane" but then I realised that he was probaly praying to be made a "vessel of God's will" and wasn't too specific as to how... silly Anniehow!). I really, really hope Castiel keeps this guy. Have I said he panders to my shallow side like WOAH? I think I might have mentioned this. Getting some variation o the eyecandy is never a bad thing, especially if said eye candy has such a creepy/earnest delivery that totally made me break out in goosebumps. Ahem.

I've also seen that a lot of people are facedesk-ing left and right over Ruby's new body. First of all, let me say that Lillith is kinda lame if that's how far her version of far, far away is. Dean & Sam sent Meg away much longer with an exorcism and they're only human, sheesh. Anyway. Ruby's purpouse is to "lure" Sam to the Dark side, right? I like to think she wants to use him to get herself a promotion in the demon hyerarchy, but I've seen some pretty compelling argument that she's just following orders. The "luring him" part doesn't change though, we all agree on that, right?

So, Katie's Ruby never worked for me. She alway came off as standoffish and bitchy, and considering she was starting with a big disadvantage when it comes to getting Sam's trust (Hellooo? Demon!), her attitude never made me think "don't fall for it! Oh noes!" because... humm... fall for what? Besides saving his life many times, she didn't seem to be making such a compelling argument over why he should follow her.

But this Ruby? She drips honey. Sweet, sweet sweet. I could hear the lines as Katie would have played it (the wording... I could recognise the character) and I much prefered the way she did it. I can buy Sam being swayed by this version, thinking she can't be all evil, or that he can control how much influence she has on him, and the "won't come between you and your brother" line nailed it for me. Because if that isn't proof that she's changed her tune, then I don't know what is. Honey gets more bees than vinegar, yes?

I may also have been swayed by the fact that this song has been in my head all week, thinking it'd be perfect for a Ruby vid, and the singer is a brunette too, and... well, take a look and tell me if it doesn't scream Ruby to you too.

To run a bit in the sparkly land of pure speculation (or wish list), I'd like to see Dean getting some God given powers of his own, if they're going to take the holy warrior vs demon boy king road. Sam can make demons puke themselves back to hell? (btw, one instance is certanly not enough to tell, but wouldn't it be interesting if the host rarely survived Sam's brand of exorcism? Because it's evil, see?) I want Dean to have the healing touch, and then Sam can flush them down to Hell and Dean can restore the bodies, and then's there's this unicorn and it's got purple hair- No, seriously, I want him to have the healing touch. The idea alone amuses me more than it should, really. Also, I want him to use it on some hunter that gets hurt trying to stop the Winchesters (because what hunter worth his salt is not going to start wondering about the pair of them? Yeah, Gordon's gone and more's the pity, but others can take up his work, right?) or, alternatively, a cop.

Oh, and he can start by restoring the eyes to anyone that was unfortunate enough to see Mr. MyBad!Humansareso frail Castiel.

Oh, last thing before I forget: How much love for the fact that Castiel seems to be about as low a grunt as you can get in angel circles? Angel of thursday (heh) and not much else, this guy is a really minor flunkie. And he's about the most powerful being we've seen yet on Show. Just how powerful are the really powerful angels going to be? *shivers with anticipation*
Tell me your theories, but please no spoilers! Trying to be good here, though actually managing it ain't the same thing ;-P

fanwank, supernatural

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