"Have a nice day!" oh, man! SPN

Oct 26, 2007 14:52

It's decided. Sammy should sputter and babble at least once per episode. Or once for everytime Dean leers at a girl, whichever comes first :))

This episode had so much going on that I cannot seriously believe they fit it all in without making it seemed rushed! Wow. Let's see if I can do this with any semblance of order:

I love Bobby. No, seriously, I love Bobby. Two minutes in and I want to have his babies, which I never thought possible (always loved him but not that way. Now? now I seriously fangirl him. Oh, Show, what have you done to me?)

I knew the priest was It the second he creeped out the nun. The big reveal? wasted on me, but that was pretty much the only thing that I did see coming (well, that and I also pegged the bartender the second Richie said they were doing somuthin' sumethin' later on).


Richie: ah, another type of hunter, not very bright, not very talented, kinda sweet once you get past the whole sleazy thing (I credit that to the actor 'cuze the lines? total pawnshop material) not that I'm going to miss him much, but I did like him enough, and I loved how we're getting such a generous scope of the hunting community this year.

Stan has a canon name AND IT'S AZAZEL!!!!!!!!!111!!!! This makes me happy beyond all reason because Azazel is the only demon of which I know any lore... he is mentioned in the bible as the desert demon the Jew appeased by sending a goat out, syymbolically laden with all of the tribe's sins, once a year. And if you like supernatural fiction and humanised demons and really great books, you must read The Master and Margarita, by Mikahil Bulgakov. It's a classic. You've probably heard of it. Heck, you've probably read it, but if you haven't, you should. If you like watching Supernatural you'll love the book. And Azazel's in it. He is one of the five minions the Devil brought with him for a little trip earthside, Moscow, circa 1930. Atheist, socialist russian society. It has everything, love, gore, absurd, social satire, creepyness, horror, farce, religious upheaval... it's a delight. And a gun-toting huge black cat called Behemoth, who talks and walks on his hind legs and wants to be served at a resturant like any other customer, damn it!

Went on a tangent, didn't I? Back to SPN

Dean and the demon was... I have no words to describe it. I love it that she gets to like him a bit, and that he's not the way other demons pictured him. I love that she's terrified of hell, and has a religion of her own. I love how much detail we're given on the motivation of demons beyond the "they're evil sons of bitches". And she has a relationship, a long relatioship with the other demon. And dosen't want to waste her nice human body. For a moment there I thought that he'd turn out to be her father, like Meg and Azazel (OMG! I'm never coming down from this high! Azazel!), and I thought this when they were kissing each other face's off because how cool would it be if demon-love is that twisted? but clearly TPTB didn't go there. I think this fandom has corrupted me. An I'm not even into in!yay at ALL. Sheesh.

I'll take a moment here to say that I love love LOVE the way JA plays Dean lying through his lying teeth. "I'm not scared." "I don't believe Sammy's any different". Of course you don't Dean, sure.

Ruby has limp hair in this epi, and that made me happy. I think it suits a demon-chick more than those boucy curls she had the first time around. Also, that "little fallen angel" line? I'm calling red herring. No- way she is Lucifer. The sins knew who she was, and Lucifer is as mystical to demons as God is to humans (on a side note, Dean is re-thinking his no-God policy. oh! Dean.)

But I'm also doing a happy little dance because I've called her a power-hungry little harlot who's in this only to gain more status within the demon ranks since the beginning, and this episode totally vindicates my idea that in order to rise through the ranks of hell you need to eliminate your competition. She's gunning higher than I thought though: apparently, her idea is to get Sam to his rightful Boy-king place (some demons were willing to follow him after all) and then just be at his side. Can always take the power from him at a later date, I guess. But in order to do that she needs Dean, alive and going to hell, because that's the only inducement to getting Sammy to the dark-side (aren't cookies enought? they were for the fandom, but then fangirls have always been pretty cheap. hell, give me some well written h/c and I... never mind). Once he's the Big Boss he can just tell the cross roads demon to go ***** herself.

I guess 
longhairedlady totally called that!

Dean confiding in Bobby and both of them lying through their lying teeth? is love.

Man. I'm staying totally unspoiled and loving it. The only time I want to be spoiled is if a major character is going to get killed/kicked out, because if those things creep up on me then I run the risk of spending several days in a quivering ball in a dark corner. So, if you hear any spoilers of the kind YOU TELL ME, but otherwise I shall know nothing until I've seen it with mine own eyes. I have spoken.

For those of you who don't care to be spoiled for SPN's Sin City I'd like to point out outside of the cut this book.
It's a really good read. Check it out.

fanwank, supernatural

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