We have achieved a finale: SPN

May 19, 2007 18:09

First of all, a little bit of glee for having finally seen "All hell breaks loose", parts 1 & 2 back to back.

I am making this my new year resolution (I know it's may, but I still kinda think of years as ending in spring after thirteen years of school. Or I could be all cool and new-age-y and say Itake my years from the spring equinox like our anchestors, but I would be lying. It's the school).

I am forever and here on staying un-spoiled and enjoying my shows as they come along

Of course, if I had been un-spoiled for a certain event in SGA's third season (you know which one. That one, yeah) I would have ended up a quivering little ball of shock in a corner following a certain episode, mumbling incoherently all day, instead I was just a sad, moping un-happy fangirl, but fundamentally able to cope. Just saying. Spoilers spoil (ha! revel in my pithy-ness) but they're not inherently bad.

You know John Winchester? Most people who've followed SPN since season 1, epi by epi, hate his guts.
Most people who've gotten into it later on and have seen more episodes at once love him to bits (well, at least they like him).

I saw that a lot of people who had a week to fanwank about the fate of the Winchesters between part one & two felt that part two was kinda of a let down.

I didn't. I loved the OMG-mybe-we're-not-getting-a-third-season-must-wrap-up-major-plot-but-also-throw-bone-to-possible-future
feel of it.

I think all I'd have to say about it is pretty much word to
kroki_refur's hilarious re-caps (check them out! lots of nice caps). She did see the episodes as they aired, but I didn't, and I think that's a large factor into my enjoyment
I can't possibly fanwank about all I would want to (I have a paper due monday morning) but here's something that got my clog glonking: Sammy back from the dead.

You know, Dean is all "what is dead should stay dead" and "I'm supposed to be dead" but, in fact Dean never really died (I'm not counting the resucitation at the hospital in IMTOD, that'sjust a few seconds and they don't count). He was about to die, there's a big difference. Both in Faith and IMTOD he was going to die, for sure, and pretty shortly at that, but he was still clinging on when he was brought back.

Sam? He was definetly dead. He was an ex-Sam. Singing in the choir invisible (mental image!). For, we can surmise, about a day, maybe a little more.

I read a post on
tightropegirl's journal about an arc she was developing for Tru Calling before it was cancelled (actual professional writer info! also, JA fangirl :). It involved a friend of the star whose name I don't know (Is it Tru or am I dense? I'm gonna call her Faith, since that's the character she played on Buffy). anyway the guy dies. Faith, being able to bring people back, or going back in time (never watched the show, sorry I'm making a mess of it) get's him back, only he wasn't supposed to. He had already passed on, so to speak. And it first it wasn't obvious, but as time went on you realized that this guy was different, that she hadn't brought him entirely back. A bit of his soul was already gone. It was going to climax into him becoming a killer, a sort of scientist fascinated with death... are you getting where I'm going with this?

I don't think she works on the Supernatural team herself, but maybe someone from Tru Calling is, and anyway it's a really cool concept.

Sam did appear colder, more blasè about killing (was it only for Jake? we'll see) and, of course, the YED said as much. Now, we all know you can't trust what demons say, but this here I think is an actual plot point. Besides, what does make it on the screen of a story is always to be taken into account.

As soon as Sam has re-capped the events with Dean he says he's going to kill Jake, and I'm not the only one who went "woah, steady there, what?". There was something different about the way he said it. And the way he did it. know what I mean? I think it's a valid fanwank. hopefully it won't rot my brain ove the hiatus.

Now, if I had any graphic skill of any kind I would make them myself, but I had an idea for a couple of icons and I'm letting the bunnys loose. If anybody wants to adopt them they'd be chuffed :)

  1.  Text only (I really am that pathetic that I can't even make a text icon): *Wyoming: demon free since mid nineteencentury and counting* (oops!) maybe an animated bar crossing it out?
  2. Sam (flash of Sammy) colt (flash of deadly colt) Samuel Colt (flash of Sammy with cowboy hat and huge Colonel Sanders-type of mustache photoshopped on)

fanwank, supernatural

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