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May 15, 2011 17:13

I was convinced there was going to be new SPN this weekend and I was sorely disappointed :(
Especially because I've had some time to get some things in order (as opposed to running around like a chicken with its head cut off the way things have been lately, hence posting even less than usual) and I knew I'd have the time to properly enjoy the ep, and maybe get out a reaction post as well. Eh, first world problems!

Speaking of SPN so far, I have to say the last few episodes, starting with "My heart will go on" and coming up to "the man who would be king", they are everything I wanted from this season from the moment Cas admitted to his murky "regrettable things" right at the beginning (and more!). I'm rather bummed they shoved this storyline to the end of the season, but yesterday I was cleaning up my SPN folder and I realized that there weren't nearly as many 'useless' non-mytharc mediocre episodes in the middle of the season as my perception would have had it. I suspect that the various hiatuses have damaged my enjoyment, and that watching the season back-to-back will give it a much different perspective in terms of story pacing.

Anyway, I'll make use of the free time by sharing a couple of links and maybe try and write a bit ;-P

The 8 most awkward sexual moments in comic book history: beware of, it's like tvtropes, you get in and you never get out. This one had me roaring with laughter.

Fannish chibis, various fandoms. I love the part about Hawaii 5-0!

(RL interruption: crap, it just started hailing. Noooo, all our poor flowers! I've waited all year for springtime fruit, dammit!)

White Noise, SPN, gen, R, S1, by nwhepcat : a terrific take on an original idea: what if the Winchesters had a much deeper family secret than the ones they've uncovered so far? Plays incredibly well with the themes the current season has been tackling too!

These are not the birds you are looking for, Sherlock BBC, gen, PG, by thirdbird_fic : this is a great character fic, drawn through a wonderful case-story, and features Lestrade as well as the two guys. I started by skimming the first few paragraphs and then it grabbed me in ways that often otherwise thoroughly enjoyable fic sometimes doesn't.

Fever dreams, Eagle of the Ninth, Marcus/Esca pre-slash; er, what it says on the tin ;-P

Finally, something that I've been checking out almost daily since I've found it. By ye gods, I want this on my IPod, but despite having ITunes I can't figure out how to get through to the store.... probably because I don't have a credit card and I've never purchased anything from it *eyes flist*

kevlar on the beach, holmes, the net provides, supernatural, fic rec, objectifying roman men

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