This week has been the first time since late November that I've had some time to myself... not sure how long this blissful wonder will last, since next week my work-hours double (but my pay doesn't; the perils of going from 'consulting' to actual trufax 'employee'). In the mean time, I've heard a rumour that the end of the hellatus has been postponed by another week. It's a good thing I found the time in the interim to marathon White Collar and get myself a shiny new show (more on this later) because, really, I needs me some pretty boys on my screen, stat. ;-P
To help ease the burden of another Winchester-less week, I'm getting around to finally posting the other half of the Yultide fic I wanted to recommend (you can find the first half in the post right before this one, clicky clicky). I haven't been back to check out the reveals, or stalk any of the authors I know, so this is still a pure 'this sounded good, I read it and it was great!' list. Enjoy.
Kohl; (Rome) Mark Anthony, taking up Egyptian customs, through the eyes of one loyal Lucius Vorenus. Could have easily been a missing scene from the series.
Iacta Alea Est; (Rome) Vorenus was stabbed in the Egyptian desert, but he wanted to breathe his last in Rome, and so he held on. Pullo was the one who brought him back. This is the long death of Lucious Vorenus, and a beautiful pshycological portrait that encompasses a good chunck of the other characters.
Stay too Long; (Rock 'n Rolla) (see previous post for canon context) Mumbles' POV on Bob and One Two; perfectly meshes and expands canon, and a wonderful Mumbles voice.
I am Acton Bell's Metaphorical Manhood; (Hark a vagrant, Bronte-verse) (links for context in the fic) Anne POV, the purest crack you could imagine, come to life. Bronte sisterhood shenanigans.
Well This is Just Weird; (Hark a Vagrant, Sherlock Holmes-verse) part case-fic, part meta, and a whole lotta crack. Everyone who's ever loved the concept of fanfic needs to read this.
Lieutenant Bennet's visit; (Pride & Prejudice & Temeraire) a perfect little social commentary of a crossover... and there's promise of more!
Hau'oli la ho'omana'o; (Hawaii 5-O) ye olde undercover-as-a-gay-couple clichè, done with actual plot! Plus, I love ye ode undercover-as-gay-couple clichè XD.
mmmh, this looks like it's going to be a three-part rec fest. Part three up in hopefully less than a month this time *cringes*