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Aug 25, 2010 14:37

Why do I always post in a state of 'OMG I have ten minutes quick post something, chip at that monstrous backlog of links you've accumulated before it crashes the browser!!1eleventy!' /end naval-gazing rhetoric.

First, I'll overload you with cuteness: there are both Chibi!Sherlock and John (be sure to click through to the next two pages, links at the bottom, though those are old skool Holmes) (my favourite is the rain one) and Plush!Sherlock and John.

Right, still alive despite the cute? Let's head into cute 'n crack, just to ease our way, 'kay?

image Click to view

Now heading into fanfic territory...

Did you know that Neil Gaiman is writing a script for an episode of Dr. Who which will air next season? He's posted a little scene that got cut because it was pointless fun, and tv times are a bi*ch. Not spoilery, apart from there being the Dr. and the name of his companion.

Ok, not to the serious part: fan fic recs! (<--- see what I did thar?) (oh, and they're all BBC Sherlock)

Other things to do after buying a cat, PG13, by BlackEyedGirl, femmslash, takes that crappy excuse of a blog TPTB made for Molly Hooper and turns it on it's head- brilliantly. Back-story and development for minor characters, and a situation we've all been through (getting yourself to stop liking the wrong guy), and a satisfying end. There's a minor detail at the beginning that jolted me right out (as an americanism) and made me consider stop reading. Then I reflected that maybe the author had it right and kept going. Very glad I did.

Sublimating, PG13, gen, by glitterary . A very shrewd look into Sherlock's psyche, and the way he relates to others.

Lab Book, NC17, slash, by sam_storyteller . First-time fic, Sherlock/John. What makes this stand out for me is the amount of work put into getting them from simple flatmates to lovers, and the couple of moments when they stop and admit they have no idea what to do next.

It's not the violin, R, not really slash, by sam_storyteller . John becomes someone Sherlock will kill for.

holmes, the net provides, fic rec

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