The more fandoms, the merrier!

Mar 06, 2010 15:55

Health update: coughing up neon gunk! woohoo!


There's a very interesting meta by yourlibrarian regarding "love" in the 'verse and in particular for/between Sam and Dean over here. A few rather shrewed observations, that are pretty interesting also in light of the connection Dean has built with Castiel (even though he's not mentioned).

Well, I wouldn't very well post without reccing a fic, now would I? ;-P So here's a really interesting one, A Farewell To Everest, rated M, by aenissesthai , that tackles Amelia/Jimmy and Amelia/Castiel. The themes, and the way they are ultimately resolved, are the same I wanted to address in a post- End Of Times ficlet I haven't written yet... you know when you find a story that does what you nebulously intended to do yourself, but does it so much better? yeah. Amelia really shines in this, as do Jimmy and Castiel. I have nothing but praise.

Sherlock Holmes:

You haven't read Neil Gaiman's Holmes fanfic pastiche yet? Why?? You can find it here for free, in all it's lovely graphic glory! And yes, it uses elements of Lovecraft's universe, which put me off reading it (I don't know that 'verse! I'll be lost!) but it was silly of me, because you get all the explanations you need within the text, and very cleverly too!


I watched the commentaries of season two (almost all of them anyway) and I have to say, Katie is the funniest of the bunch, and the one who gets the most kicks out of the fan culture & fanservice. I thought the people who bemoaned TPTB for being too timid and endless teases on that show with the themes they'd set up themselves were crazy tin hats, but damn if you don't hear the caution dripping out of the commentaries every time there's anything approaching gay or slash! For example, remember that episode where all the kings come to Camelot to draw up a treaty and there's romantic shenanigans? One of the funniest lines is King Baddie saying "All the ladies in Camelot are attracted to Arthur! I'm almost attracted to him myself!" I laughed myself silly. The delivery is so brilliant! He actually means it! But when they wrote it, it was supposed to be ironic. Well, wouldn't you know it, there was trouble to keep it in as a serious line! Sheesh!

And Katie, bless her, speaks up about Morgana's arch and character. "It's all your fault I go evil!", she teased Colin, "all Morgana ever wanted was a conversation! If she knew she wasn't the only one with magic it would have gone different!" Also, "everyone is going to go 'poor Merlin' here, while I'm the one dying! It's not fair!". She loves ribbing them about the Arthur/Merlin (going "dwaah! that's so cute, you're taking care of each other!" and other stuff) but then she got a thinly veiled "Katie, I have to speak to you afterwards" by the producer and she stopped. Same with the Morgana/Morgause ("there's so much... tension in this scene, and it's not very sisterly, is it?") which she giggled about until there was a pointed silence and then switched to "we look so much alike, don't we? Cut from the same cloth... can't believe no one realizes we're sisters at first sight!". Really, if they're that paranoid that you can't even make jokes about it!

Anyway, in honor of the awesomeness of Katie, here's a Morgana/Mordred (not sex! just... creepy, as it should be) fic that's brilliant: Wait In The Fire, by lassiterfics , PG, their relationship from beginning to end. Wonderful.


OMG Pullo, you sexy, sexy thing! How did I not notice you before? Three episodes to the end, and I saw on IMDB that they're planning to film more (TV? Movie? who knows!) next year! So, that's about as certain as... if they hadn't written anything on IMDB. Oh, well, a fangirl can hope!

holmes, merlin, supernatural, fic rec

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