"Guy Ritchie called him Hotson on set"

Jan 08, 2010 22:31

*blinks in the light* Goodness, it's 2010, isn't it? Holidays have been beyond hectic for me, and very bad weather hasn't helped. Still, a few fannish things did happen, so let's start with the Guy Ritchie fest of last week, eh?

Went to see Sherlock Holmes and was immensely entertained. However, knowing the hoopla about the gay overtones (and having seen the trailer one too many times) I went in with my slash goggles set on high... and was reminded once again that "slash goggles" in my brain actually work as "ship-the-underdog-ship goggles", and I ended up shipping Holmes/Irene and Watson/Mary in the movie far more than I did the obviousness of Holmes/Watson. The two actors, however, are adorable at press events and interviews, which makes me fear I might fall into the dark pit of despair that is RPF *clutches garlic and crucifix to self* Jude Law said something interesting in an interview, about how people assume that codependency implies sex when it really doesn't, which would be true of any slash that has ever been and ever will be. Meanwhile, RDJ seems to relish playing up the fanservice. I suspect they're having even more fun than us, sometimes ;-P

I have to say, I loved all the Guy Ritchie patented action sequences (best director for fist-fights ever, IMHO), but I was pretty surprised and dismayed that the plot was so overly simplistic, when GR's movies are notable precisely for their brilliantly convoluted plots. I suspect that having only four (two?) principals hurt, since he's usually juggling casts of dozens, where pretty much every character gets equal screen time.

Which is why I tracked down and finally saw Rocknrolla, which is absolutely bloody brilliant and why isn't there a fandom for this little gem when it has scenes like this, which are then followed (a bit later) by scenes like this (<- Guy Ritchie = SPN fan Y/Y?) and also, also contain the BEST sex scene in a movie ever (die ridiculously and embarassingly long slow-mo marital sex in 300, die in a fire!).

Oh dear, is my squee showing?

Back into the more beaten path, if you've been wondering if there is already good fic for the Sherlock movie (we all know about the size and venerability of book canon, don't we? It's Star Trek all over again) then the answer would be yes. In fact, I've even boldly gone and vetted a few things from the kinkmeme (of course there's already a kink meme) and here are my discoveries, for your reading pleasure:

Of Dubious and Questionable Memory, gen. Irene steals Watson's wife. Great look at this Irene, and an expansion on a character that I suspect had more scenes than the theatrical version I saw (definitely missing the knee-in-the-nads scene from the trailer. anyone else?). Didn't think I'd have this much fun reading this character, but it was a real delight!

Boxing prompt from the meme, pre-slash, gritty and hot and dark and oh, my! Victorian gentlemen and their darker impulses. Still, barely rating R.

Blindfold prompt from the meme, slash but only just (coulda been perfect without that one little extra step away from gen, but YMMV), this brilliant little fic has given me my bullet-proof kink for this fandom. I don't think I'll ever get enough of sensory!overloaded!Holmes being talked down by Watson. *frisson*

And finally, something that has me grinning like a loon. More of a fic-outline than an actual fic, I hope this comes out of the Bigbang fully formed, because the world needs it. From gekizetsu of Proof-series fame, Carriage driver appoints the entertainment; the good Doctor withholds his opinion (at the bottom of the post)

holmes, fic rec

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