yes and more yes and while i don't buy in too much to celebrity lifestyles and their effect on the rest of the culture, and i can't say the jolie-pitts are some of my favorite celebrities either, i love love they're bringing to light how wonderful it is to not only have children, but to have many. evidently on oprah (i don't know, i don't watch oprah, but i read various celebrity news sites) brad expounded on the joy that is parenting, describing it as the greatest endeavor they have ever undertaken and asked why would they want it to stop?
yes! why would you want something that is so amazing and so enriching and so just fun to end?
maybe now certain people will stop telling me i'm obviously too young and 'inexperienced' to realize how horrible child-raising is or to understand what i'm in for in the coming years and i'm insane for wanting more than one and should be admitted to the psych ward for wanting more than two.
i'm not, people. having and raising children is quite possibly the most incredible experience any one could go through, with its downs as well as ups. it's the best thing to happen to any couple. truly.
p.s. yes, i'm aware the jolie-pitts have more money than the pope and employ lots of help from nannies, etc. and so can breezily comment on how easy it is to raise children when they can afford the fun stuff and skip the stressful stuff. that's the point of the don't need money to enjoy children and appreciate the blessing of raising them. you just need a mindset that isn't anti-children from the start.