Jun 16, 2005 18:50
Wow...well I suck at updating that's already been established...ah well.
Crazy to think, but my first year of teaching is officially done with, I'm checked out, keys are in...it's over. While it's been a great year, I just can't get over how quickly that it went by. I had so many great great memories, and just know this is what I'm meant to do. One of the teachers who retired this year pulled me aside at her retirement party, and told me what a nice job I did this year. She said that the program in the schools has always aimed at getting kids to enjoy music through appreciation and knowledge, and that I did such a great job of keeping that on, which was such a complement...especially with my boss and the high school choir director both retiring this year, and both known across the state...it really meant a lot to me.
So sentimental moment aside, I've been in M-town all week to get away for a little while, and it's been great. Cailaen was down for the past two weeks, and then came here for a few days with me, and it was just so nice to see him for an extended period of time, I'd say he's a keeper ;) We saw Batman Begins the other night, that was all right, but Lauren and I definitely went for the eye candy, while Cailaen enjoyed the story line, or something like that...
Kaitlyn's big day is this Saturday, which is just absolutely crazy to think about, but I'm so very pumped. 300 Miles to Haggis will once again be reunited :-D plus word on the street is that she was able to get Strongbow, which'll make the festivities even more enjoyable :)
I have absolutely NO idea what I'm going to be doing this next week, and I know I'm probably going to go crazy. I think that I"m going to join the local Y, get me off my butt this summer which I definitely need, plus that'll give me something to do.
Ok, this has been pretty long winded, but at least I've kind of caught everyone up to speed...mwah!