Mar 09, 2007 12:01
Today our rental agency came by to show our apartment to future tenants. The problem is that one of us is keeping the apartment, so those girls will be very disappointed that they may get one of the other apartments that doesn't have the ledge to store their knick-knacks. The setup is also a bit different as our apartment is handicapable, so things are lower and the layout is not the same. In good news this means we cleaned the apartment and I won't be going postal on dust and what not any time soon. I do have the most amazing closet, and they coveted the OMG Shoes! and how well I utilized the space. What can I say, I have skills. I have a lot of laundry to do, and don't have to work again until Monday, so you know what I'm doing today.
I got man issues, but I don't feel like sharing right now. Let's just leave it at the quote "I just can't quit you" (except we are a heterosexual couple), is apt for the situation. I broke up with him and he's back, but he isn't there 100%, WTF. I was supposed to have a HOTT date tonight and I don't think I'm going. I am however going to my HOTT Sella's date with a certain Coug tomorrow.
As a result of being so classy and having classy friends, I now have a sign above my bedroom door that was purchased at Ross in the Palouse Mall for $3.99. It says "FRESH CRABS" and is in red & blue tones. It really is eye catching when up there with the STD ads I got from the Argonaut and the Daily Evergreen. Thanks for the decor Planned Parenthood, nothing will get me into Architectural Digest faster than information cut out about THE CLAP!
Time to eat, nap, and then go run. Why am I entering this race again, I mean it isn't like I will win money or fame. I'll just get sweaty, and maybe hurt myself.
dumb boys,