(no subject)

Mar 28, 2005 16:10

There were multiple Drag Queen emergencies on Friday. I received a frantic makeup phonecall while I was at Vandal Friday. Sadly my Co-Op powered Subaru was getting worked on (the check engine light came on more than once, and it turned out RODENTS ate away at the wires under my car and caused a short and it needed a tune up anyway), and $499.41 later (thanks parentals!) it was rolling again Saturday afternoon. I informed said Drag Queen to call reydesef for a ride. We all ended up going together and a pair of gigantic metallic hot pink shaped sun glasses were purchased for 88 cents. Then a second emergency happened when the Drag Queen was borrowing my makeup mirror and I noticed he forgot to SHAVE. Disaster averted since my sister gave me disposable pink razors and I don't use them. Then there was a third emergency when the music was not transferred from the IPod mini and those two were forced to walk through a fraternity BBQ to retrieve the music. I was at the Campus Christian Center and didn't witness any of this sadly. After a rocking cocnert at the CCC, I went to the bar with reydesef and we got ridiculously ridiculous. Ice Tea night at Mingles is dangerous and the night started going down hill when the other Norwegian (it was four boys and me, two Mexicans, two Norwegians, and a Wexican) bought a round of tequila shots. There was no lime or salt, and you know I finished my shot first because I'm just like that. On the way to The Alley we got separated from reydesef as he boarded the Vandal Taxi with the Drag Queen and jazzgirl03. So I arrive at the Alley and said "He got on the Vandal Taxi with a Drag Queen and a recovering Mormon", which doesn't get a reaction as this is normal. We met up and then got a donut after closing and I walked to "the boy's" house for the very last time.

I was so ill Saturday I vomited a plenty. I was so sick I vomited in my bath tub. My tub needed cleaning anyway. It was more froms tress than from liquor as well, I can handle my liquor. I had also taken something for the pain as I skinned my knee and couldn't sleep, so that may have not been a good idea. I ran an errand to Pullman with reydesef and thought I was going to vomit in the car so I brought palstic bags. Of course I made it all the way to Pullman and back and when did I vomit? Turning onto my street. I laid around at home for awhile and then went and met jazzgirl03 at Hastings. We went to Wal-mart and I had a pretzel and managed to feel a bit better. We then had coffee, and went to the Dollar Tree. I bought four small garden gnomes that day, and placed one in reydesef's car with a package of hairnets. He needed hairnets for those days when he feels like an extra in "Blood In Blood Out: Bound by Honor", or if he is hanging with "his people". Thankfully reydesef is a Norwegian magnet, and just loves hanging with "my people". I lounged in my living room and slept pretty well Saturday night. Except the power went out at some point and of course my alartm didn't go off so I missed praising JESUS. This would be a good time to be Catholic as there are multiple services so I have more than one chance. Except I really enjoy being Lutheran, and we have a great relationship with God so I don't need to be in a building or with other people to praise him. I didn't even make a lamb cake which saddens me. I didn't attack the ears off of any chocolate bunnies. Maybe I *am* clinically depressed?

I think I am probably going to eat something, take a painkiller, and go to the SRC. I have a hot coffee date with tifmonster after chapter. This gives me time to eat, exercise, shower, change, and then meet her. I think I have about three hours or so. That also means if I shower tonight I can sleep in tomorrow and then work out tomorrow afternoon. If anything working out will help these cramps, and I won't smack anyone around with my Lilly Pulitzer at the gym. Yeah I use Lilly as a gym bag, and I am getting coordianted bedding, deal with it. Thankfully Macy's carries it as I don't have a Lilly store near me nor do I have someone to be my Lilly purchasing bitch as I did in Alaska. I am in serious need of new bedding, this stuff is a bit tired.

Later Kids.
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