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laurie_ky November 19 2011, 20:52:54 UTC
I enjoyed the story, liked seeing Jim as a dad, and he was so competent but still had the occasional parental jitters, like thinking he needed to impress Carolyn by having Joe wear a tie.

Joe was sweet, and you wrote him so he acted naturally, such as wiping off Daddy's kiss.

I don't know as much about Blair's background. At first I assumed that he grew up in that town and he and Naomi didn't travel around, but upon thinking about it, they very well could have done so, leaving the pharmacy in her parent's hands? And then returned later to run it when her parents couldn't anymore. Blair went to school there, at least part of the time.

A few things I wondered about but I supplied my own answers. I wondered why Jim didn't use his credit card to get groceries until he got his trust fund, but maybe he's opposed to them, or afraid of running up credit that he'd have a hard time paying off. Besides Blair came to the rescue with pizza and a job offer before the lack of cash became a serious problem.

Blair didn't call Jim to tell him he was leaving town, and the first time, well, they'd just met, but still he left him hanging and that seemed a bit rude. The second time he and Jim were involved more, so it was puzzling that he just asked his helper to pass along the message. What I came up with to explain his behavior, because Blair is considerate usually, so that seemed odd to me that he didn't call, is that he has some major issues dealing with his mother's impending death and was afraid of breaking down if he talked to Jim on the phone, and he didn't want to do that. Maybe he wasn't sure if asking Jim for the emotional support at that point wasn't crossing a boundary or would make Jim feel too uncomfortable. Anyway, he chickened out. Jim should call him on that, let him know that if they're going to be a family now that they share their problems. Blair was quick enough to lend a hand with Jim's, after all.

I was proud of Blair for facing his fear of heights, and it was suspenseful while they were rescuing the little guy. Poor kid. Carolyn just blew his world apart, no wonder he ran.

For Carolyn I have two words. CHILD SUPPORT!

At least she came around in the end, realized that she cared for Joe more than she thought she did, and decided to be a grown-up and put his needs first.

William. Oh, William. The stick approach isn't going to work on Jim, and you're a slow learner if you haven't figured that out by now.

Thanks for an enjoyable read. The art work was great, and I really liked the ending picture. So much fun with goofing around.



annieb1955 November 19 2011, 21:30:45 UTC
Thanks, Laurie, for the wonderful comments. You've given some great ideas to work with as I really want to go back and fill out this story more and fill in a few things I think I overlooked. I really appreciate the time you took to read it and review.


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