Sarah Palin

Sep 04, 2008 11:26

So I'm sure everyone has read all about Palin's pregnant, umarried, 17 year old daughter, and the investigation into mishandling of the firing of her brother-in-law, and how her husband was arrested for drunk driving, and how the McCain Team picked her at the last minute after only interviewing her for an hour, and so on... All of this must have set some pretty low expectations for her acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention because the media is lavishing her speech with praise. I just finished watching it and found it more annoying than anything else, full of crossfire-style tough talk/nonsense, and very clearly read from the telemprompter like an 8th grader delivering a speech in their English class. Here's some gems from her talk that could have just as well been said by Stephen Colbert:

"But the pollsters -- the pollsters and the pundits, they overlooked just one thing when they wrote him off. They overlooked the caliber of the man himself, the determination and resolve and the sheer guts of Senator John McCain"

"The voters knew better. And maybe that's because they realize there's a time for politics and a time for leadership; a time to campaign and a time to put our country first." (What the hell does that mean when you are the 2nd most important figure, giving a speech at one of the biggest campaign events all year?!?)

"That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay. I love to drive myself to work. And I thought we could muddle through without the governor's personal chef, although I got to admit that sometimes my kids sure miss her."

"now here's a little news flash -- now here's a little news flash for those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion. I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this great country."

"America needs more energy. Our opponent is against producing it. Victory in Iraq is finally in sight and he wants to forfeit. Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay. He wants to meet them without preconditions. Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America, and he's worried that someone won't read them their rights."

Hello, is it 2001 all over again? I thought over the last 7 years people had learned to not listen to this shit. Everyone in America, a news pundit or not, knows for a fact that leaving Iraq doesn't mean "forfeiting," and that's not why Obama wants to leave Iraq. Likewise, they also know Obama is not against producing more energy, half of his acceptance speech was devoted to describing the different ways he would work to produce new kinds of energy. And the idea of reading someone their rights, we all know that means more than the over-simplified thing she dismisses. So what I don't understand is how people in the media could go and lavish with praise her poor delivery of a pretty tired speech full of lies. This woman is a terrible candidate, and a terrible abomination to anything and everything that the feminist movement has worked for. She is adamantly anti-choice, and she spent half of her speech talking about being a good mother and raising children. That is precisely the type of thing that the feminist movement seeks to avoid; maybe her husband should raise her children since she's got a more serious job than him. But nope, she's just another "hockey mom," and the message is "that's what a woman should be," just another hockey mom, even if she's running for Vice President of the United States. I'd like to see John McCain devote half of his speech to his children; then he can really call himself a great feminist or whatever, except the "maverick" doesn't have the guts to standup to his party and support his position on abortion (pro-choice.) If Obama loses, I won't blame him or the American people, I blame these god awful talking heads on TV who think that any speech is good so long as it uses the word "guts," and talks about forfeiting our rights to terrorists.
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