Things im really freaking tired of
- Gossip, if you hear me gossipin, slap me acrost my face.. dont hesitate JUST DO IT
- PEOPLE WHO GOSSIP, and not just people who gossip a tiny bit cause common as bad as it is, everyone does. but people who gossip all the time, and about people they clame to care about. What the hell are we supposed to out of it, feeling a little better because we just said someone is ugly, or anoying, or because they wore somthing that isnt to you liking, or even worse ( not that all of that isnt terrible) gossiping about people you barely know and how they're a bitch because they talked to so and so. when did one person become the ruler of someone elses life and if some other girl talks to them then that girl is a bitch. Really gossip DOES NOT MAKE YOU COOL, infact more people even hate you for it, and what if so and so finds out what you said? you cant take it back, sorry but that just doesnt cut it .
- People who make fun of other people for the hell of it. i cant even think of going on about that with out getting mad. all in all. aside from the YOU factor of how bad of a person it makes YOU.. think about how the people your making fun of feel? they dont deserve it, no one deserves it.
- This whole holyer than thou attitude. just ew . its descusting.
ohhh mannnnn....
anyways a brief update
- monday- me and dani went to PAWS an animal shelter in west linn for service hours
- tuesday???? umm... oh.. hair fire engine red.. not meaning to it just happened. but im getting used to it and i like it now.
- wednesday cleaned, nici came up
- thanksgiving - ate way more than i should have at my dads.. then went over to my grandmas and visited, went to my aunt carols because we havent seen her in forever then watch the second half of gone with the wind with my mumsy
- friday- maias birthday. went to a shooting range in vancouver.. and as much as i disagree with guns, it is a good way of bonding with my dad. after that we went to my aunt carols again to celebrate autumns b-day.. the big 2-1 wow i miss that portion of my family!
the postman is stealing all our love letters