Oct 13, 2004 17:55
I feel so gross today...
Had PLAN testing... ewww.. just plain eww... we did get ou tat like 11:30 though.. but i was then stuck at school till the wonderful emily was wonderful and drove me to go get somthing to eat before rehursal.. thank you darling! Rehursal was quite boring, i was REALLY tired. After that I saw yana and we walked around waiting for kelly to get out of his meeting so we could se if they could take me home.. they did because they are wonderful people! ummm what else... oh dani found a very cute puppy behind the school that someone put out there of a while on the fie hidrent.. i felt bad cause it was out of water and it was a huskie so we went and got it more water.. wow what an exciting day!!
I can hear my really lound neigbor boys( they are like 6 and 8 ) outside.. kinda anoying at the moment..
I thin its funny how a bunch of my friends who are for Kerry only give the reason that Bush is stupid.. with out even saying why that is.. except for the few who say that he starts un needed wars (im glad we are fighting numrous wars)... and I believe John Kerry voted for the war.. not to mention he blames the whole thing on bush when it doesnt quite go as planned.. HELLO when was the last war that went EXACTLY as planned.. and if this is a meaning less war, you tell that to the thousands of families whos loved ones died just beacuse they were amercans going to work, and some of them werent even americans.. they were inosent people killed because we are hated by other countries.. and dont say YEAH BUSH MADE OTHER COUNTRIES HATE US!! they didnt we had enemies before, other countries have enemies... and the President was only in office for 4 months before the 9/11 attacks. How many people are questioning the Clinton administrasion ??? And for the people complaining about people dieing in Iraq more now that the main fighting has stopped.. yeah we're " doing nothing" by being over there.. bs... we are trying to help the citizens there by cleaning up the pieces left behind by a war that has been going on there for decadeds, one step at a time.. yes its slow.. but think about how long it took for amerca to become the country we are now... No i dont agree with EVERYthing bush says... but i do agree with the majority .. and i know i dont want a president who not only cant back up his points on things "the president has done wrong", but cant take responsibility for a unpopular view he has(refering to Kerry's vote FOR the war and then saying hes against it.. ) DONT LIE TO YOUR FREAKING COUNTRY .. Just because our prestident doesnt ALWAYS speak proper english doesnt mean that he is a bad president, so stop useing that excuse please!!.i have more but im to tired to write it all... if you would like to debate on this you know my screen name..
oh and did i say im tired of being demeaned by poeple whos only argument against George bush is that he is stupid... okay kids have any more reasons?? at least reasons why he is stupid?? yeah thats what i thought..
im not against Kerry supporters.. i have plenty of friends who are.. it just makes me mad when people seem to be for him because it the cool thing to do these days.. not saying that every kerry supporter is following the crowed.. if you have some legit. reasons that it awsome your paying attention and speaking your veiws... but saying that the one you can think of off the top of your head is because bush is stupid.. give me a break.. and some reasons
bush/cheney 2004