So, in high school, is when one of my biggest pet peeves began to emerge:
People standing around in a populated/obvious walkway.
For example: There is a hallway about uhhh 7 feet wide. On both sides, student are standing along the walls, waiting for class. On average (I'm guessing so don't bust my balls), a person is about 12-18" wide (looking at their profile); just barely over a foot. So, now the hallway is 5 feet wide.
Well, since there may not be THAT much room (on the wall), people tend to stand close to their friends, face-to-face to get out of the way but to secure a spot on the now populated wall. So, guessing that, there is now only about 3-4 feet left in the hallway. Then there's those people who like to stand in the FUCKING MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMN HALLWAY. They have this attitude like 'Fuck you, I'm better then you, LICK my nuts!' And that's not the way life is.
So, another one of my pet peeves is when 40-55 students are piling out of a classroom and people wanting to get in, start making their way in, reguardless of the situation.
Ok, my Junior year of high school, I learned that these two practices (among others) are considered to be 'Socially Retarded'. It doesn't mean that the person(s) is mentally disabled, it means: To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede.
So basically, people that do this are stupid fuckers.
Anyway, today, a class was getting out and I needed to get in. Well, the door didn't have a doorstop so I was holding it for the outcoming people; I was genuinly trying to be it guaranteed me a good spot. But I almost ALWAYS hold the door for people.
So, as the people got less and less (who were leaving), I started etching my way towards the door. Then a whole stream of people going in just started going. And my reply was (KINDA loudly):
You all are fucking assholes. I wasn't holding the door for you, fuck you.
So, combined with that incident (and two more after that), people standing in the hallways while desperate people passed/shoved/pushed by them to get to their classes, and my being VERY VERY VERY sick this morning and last night, this semester will be fun.