Sep 26, 2004 20:37
Kay, because of current music (Harvey Danger) I no longer feel the STRONG urge to go to club...but it's still there.
In other news, I'm gonna be a black Widow for Halloween...GO SHEENA!!! (thansk for the suggestion, Annie)
I had planned to make a skirt for Halloween but I didn't know what EXACTLY to do but I've figured it out now. What I'm going to do is this:
1) First layer of skirt=black satin-type material and about knee length I'm going to sew on black netting material (the poofy skirt-type stuff)
2) Second layer of skirt=red satin-type material
3) Third layer of skirt=a soft-type netting material, black
4) Fourth layer of skirt=Wal Mart has this one type of see-through material with spiders and spider webs. That will be my fourth layer...
...well? How does that sound? I since I know how the material works, it will be poofy (THAAAAAAT'S ME!!) but not overly poofy. It's going to be long and I'm going to TRY to find a red collerd buttonup shirt (I'll try to ask a certain *someone* I know if I can't find one) and I'm going to wear a black bodice over does that sound?
Oh by the way...if you say it doesn't sound're retarted...stop breathing...right now...just stop. But hey if you like it, breathe some more and you're my best friend.