Jan 12, 2006 02:51
This is the same time I updated last night.
My classes this semester are wicked hard - but I shall be optimistic.
I plan on learning a lot.
I like to learn.
I leave for DC on Friday morning.
I am a bit nervous.
But also very excited.
I'm nervous about the flight.
And even more so about the subway.
I have never been on a subway before.
And I will have luggage.
Shopping tomorrow to buy another outfit.
Because I can.
And I got my financial aid check.
So I really can.
Courtney and I bought art supplies for our studio class today.
Damn that shit is expensive.
Apparently I "only use simple lines in my drawings, and that will be fixed this semester."
I am glad I am taking the class as credit/no-credit.
Jane and I went to Meijer and I bought several pounds of fruit.
"Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations" by Karl Marx is so far very drab.
I need a sugar daddy.