Dec 22, 2005 21:58
Courtney and I saw Syriana (frustrating, but splendid! Bravo, George Clooney!)
And of course, the LOUDEST movie patron in the history of "talkies" sat next to me. He shook his bag of popcorn before every dive and then mixed it all around with his hand, THEN he would take an entire handful and shove it in his mouth. He repeated the process every single time he ate some. When he was thirsty he would take a large bunch of napkins and wipe off every single finger individually. Then, THEN he would take his soda and shake the ice and sip loudly and slam it back in the holder. EVERY SINGLE TIME HE DRANK OR ATE POPCORN.
BUT WAIT - it gets worse!
I looked over at Courtney, annoyed, and then... "He has Milk Duds! Oh Lord!"
The noise continued! finally, after exchanging annoyed looks with Courtney and the woman behind us, I turned to him and very politely asked him to be more quite while eating. He responded "I don't know what you are talking about!"
Seriously dude, shut the hell up!
Eventually he was done eating and then we only had to deal with his coughing...
Lia and I played LIFE last night. In one game I got fired and then had a mid life crisis! I had to change careers! I went from a tavel agent, to an artist, to a police officer. It was stressful!
Oh, and I would also like to add that about 5 other random guys (from AOL and Facebook have IMed me in the past week. What is going on!?
And lastly: Silly holidays...