stolen stuff

Mar 14, 2006 18:37

Cause I just wrote a great entry and LJ lost it and now I'm too lazy to write another I'm doing this instead:

Four jobs you have had in your life:
01. Associate producer
02. Unemployed slug
03. Arbitrator
04. Actor

Four movies you could watch over and over:
01. Notting Hill
02. Annie Hall
03. The Uninvited
04. Boogie Nights (my sleazy side)

Four places you have lived:
01. A row home in West Philadelphia
02. A studio apt near the Art Museum (my fav)
03. A junior one bedroom on Rittenhouse Sq
04. A one bedroom on Rittenhouse Sq. ( wow....same friggen city)

Four TV shows you love to watch:
01. Project Runway
02. MSNBC ( Imus, Abrams Report, Countdown)
03. The Colbert Report!!!!!!!!..........he's grippy
04. Any lame reality show that doesn't involve thinking

Four places you have been on vacation:
01. LA (5 times)
02. Israel (3 times)
03. London
04. Cross country tour my parents sent me on for 5 weeks.....loved it!!!

Four websites I visit daily:
01. livejournal
02. TVnewser (looking for gossip)
03. Wonkette
04. Jossip( looking for more gossip)

Four of my favorite foods:
01. Milano double double choco cookies
02. Pasta
03. Pepperidge cheddar fishies
04. Chocolate

Four places I would rather be right now:
01. Drinking with Shep
02. Hanging out with Dan, David or Keith
03. NYC!!!!
04. Hanging out with my friends
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