Title: Like A Rusty Broken Thing (that somehow feels like home) 32/32
annie2791 Pairing: David/Michael
Rating: Series will range from R (for the theme alone) to NC-17
Disclaimer: Only exists within my mind.
Warning: AU. Supernatural themes. D/s themes. Slavefic.
Series Word Count to Date: 72,813
No beta. All mistakes belong to me.
Chapter 32 )
I'm not sure I can comment adequately on this final chapter. I've got tears in my eyes - I'm so proud of you for having finished this, bb. Remember when I sent you that word count? You were astound at how much you have written. Look at it now! So, so very proud of you babe.
And this final chapter? Was EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING I wanted from it. You know how I love you writing smut, and you know how I ALWAYS want to read it... LOL! But here? It was not necessary. What was important to show was the intimacy, how comfortable both men are with each other, the love, the growth. And that's what you have given us, bb. Perfect, perfect, perfect.
Micheal has grown so much, and it's beautiful to have witness that along with you. Thank you for having given us such a wonderful, beautiful story!
And if you ever, EVER want to write one last smut-like chapter for this one... (yes, I'm going there LOL)... That biting scene? HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THAT'S HOT is all I'm going to say about it.
Love you bb. :)
PS: I don't have a Mavid icon - what's up wiht that? - so you are getting pretty mouth dave instead. :) Fitting, me thinks. :)
And biting.... ahhh... you know how much I love my biting :)
What? No Mavid icon? Even after all this time?
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