Mar 20, 2005 23:49
What month is it? Because it feels like September right now, and I'm not referring to the balmy weather or lack of serious academic responsibilities. Everything about this weekend reminded me of the beginning of Fall semester. I hadn't hung out with any of the "Sutherland Crew" really, with the exception of Bender because he is like our 4th roommate, in something like 2 months. So Friday was Horton's 21st birthday so everyone pre-drank on Sutherland till midnight then went to Firehouse. Even just driving over there with Janelle and rocking out to Acapulco music set the tone for the deja vu that would become Friday night. I had such a good time with Matt, who I had not really seen at all during the time we've been broken up. On the way home from the bar Horton vomited all over me, which set off a suprisingly good chain of event that I will not go into at this time! Apparently,when you emerge the next morning from the substance-induced slumber that Firehouse causes you, the thing to do then is to return to the source of your agony and eat food for half off. We seriously saw so many people from night before, still half asleep... at 2:00, piecing together the previous night, soaking up the alcohol with fries and chicken wraps, and looking around in amazement: so this is what this place looks like sober! Saturday night we went to this party in the ghetto where there was a DJ and these kids were like rapping freestyle, had we accidentally found our way not to a house party but to The Shelter in Detroit? I believe we are going to be extras in the sequel to 8 Mile. The kids were all actually really good, and the party was a nice change of pace from our usual scene. The whole weekend was actually really great, I think part of the reason why is that I had been away from Matt and that group in general for so long that it allowed time for things to sort of settle. Although my weekend was awesome, I am definitely exhausted and not functioning at a normal level; I have no business being awake right now! I guess we'll see where things go from here, I'm out!