Aug 08, 2007 21:43
i have never been happier in my whole life. honestly.
i can not begin to put words together that can possibly make you understand the feeling of being around some of the fucking funniest teenagers in the metro area. just being around these people who are so much like my self, yet still incredibly unique is the best expirence i have ever had.
for the first time ever, i feel incredibly challenged in my humor presentation. at the same time though, i don't feel as if i'm farther in than i should be. at every acting class i've had, i felt as if i was just performing. now i'm learning. learning from incredible people.. my sketch teacher, larry, has been with second city for fourteen years of teaching.. my improv teacher, susanne,'s duo was the first improv ever on broadway. it's amazing.
i have done the best work ever in these past three days. there was this one sketch with this kid alex that i did that was honestly unbelievable. and for the first time, everything i said came out totally naturally.. i was part of viola spolin's concept of the organic whole.. of the part of the brain that reacts without thinking.. i was in a natural high, a subconcious state.. and i came out with the extreme approval of a man who has seen everything. there has never been a better feeling.
i have written some of the best characters ever in these past three days. pages and pages of ideas keep on coming out of my head.. and i jot them down on the train. and they're hillarious, they're unique, they're worth using.
i have NEVER felt more at home than studio 4D in 440 Studios, 440 Lafayette Street. amongst these hillarious teenagers. these friends i made in an hour. we do everything together. we think, we eat, we chill after class, we go to shows. it's amazing. i love this group. these nine strangers.
i'm finding myself frusterated because i feel as if there is no way for me to express this feeling to whoever may be reading this. it's just this passion, this love, this friendship.. this feeling of being so perfectly at peace with what you are doing. i have looked forever for a place in the theater commmunity to competely fit in.
i have, without a doubt, found it.
i couldn't be happier.