Nov 14, 2003 16:59
Well hello everyone. Its been awhile since I have been here, and I swear its not my fault.
First I have had to write my last papers for this semsters. Then I believe I am coming down with something icky but I don't quite know what it is yet. And alstly I have been struck by the book worm. I have seriously got to get a grip on what I buy from now On.
I just finished reading A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens. It was a wonderful book the organization and storyline was beautifully written and the vocabulary even challenged me. After I was half way through it I decided that I needed to have more books by authors that are probably dead by now. I am currently reading Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. It also a wonderful translation of one of his books. It keeps me interested about what is happening with all its characters. I believe I have just found what I want to study in graduate school. I bought like five other books (The Portriat of a Lady, David Copperfeild, Middles march, and a couple of others). I have alot of reading to do so don't get mad at me for not posting so often. I am just trying to read good literature.
Well I believe that is all I am going to write. So Huggles and Kisses and stuff.