1. Tidied up the index for a bit. Hopefully I made it less confusing. I am inexperienced with formatting, so if you spot a broken or misplaced link or have suggestions to make it easier to navigate, please shoot me a message!
2. Totally unrelated, but I got into UChicago for PhD. Hooray.
3. Since Vol.6 is close to finish now and my beta for Vol.5 hasn't responded to my message, I may be in need of a new beta. Let me know if you're interested.
4. People have been asking me if I can get a copy of
Vol.9 for them when it comes out...so I figured I'd probably do a small group order for those in need. The book is going to come out on Feb. 10th. If you're interested please let me know (and leaving an email address you could be reached at would be awesome!) - the book itself is going to be priced at almost exactly $7; there will be a relatively small international shipping fee (hopefully under $5 for each person if we have enough people, but could go up to $7; still a LOT cheaper than ordering it on your own, though!) and also of course shipping within the US (or from the US to wherever you live).
EDIT: Thanks for the responses! I'll keep updating this list of people interested in the group order. I will let all of you know as soon as I figure out the details. I accept Paypal, but if you have another preferred way of payment we can discuss that too.
laenavesse bellagrl02 oriharaxizaya kagura_yato chinami caramellneko roa57 antagonistsspikeygal xxpianosex iza_nii sog_team_x_ray ryuchan444 zebion thecrazyneko otterandfox