Aug 24, 2010 00:40


Excerpt from Kishitani Shinra's diary

April 30th

Celty is as cute as ever today. But that goes without saying.

We're already one month into the spring of the new year, and Celty's cuteness hasn't changed a bit.

I know Celty will be just as cute till the very end of the world, when I will have already died and become ashes. That's what you call the unchanging fact, I suppose.

I've been keeping this diary for about half a year. Now that I've reread it, I realized that this is already my 20th entry on the same theme.

But that's just how cute Celty is.


That alone will be reason enough for me to write: "It's been a good day."

Speaking of which, when did I fall in love with Celty?

I came to understand that what I felt was love sometime during middle school or high school.

If youth is the name of the time when one is in love, then my youth will always be "now", this very moment.

Right, I wonder how the kids nowadays spend the time of their youth.

I miss my days at Raira Academy*. Alas, those were definitely not the most peaceful days ever. The ones I used to hang out with fought each other all the time.

* Raira Academy: when Shinra attended the school it should have been called Raijin High School; it's unclear whether this is a typo on Narita's part or intentional.

I wasn't good at fighting so I never participated. Not that my participation was in any way necessary, though.

Celty knows some Raira kids.

They've been to our home a few times. I've been talking with them, and for better or worse they were not like the average kind of children nowadays. More suited for the future in some aspects, I'd say.

But then they're not ordinary kids to begin with if they're still willing to be Celty's friends even when they know what she really is.

Of course, I can stay by Celty's side forever because I know best of all people just how cute she is.

The world should be more willing to look at her adorable side.

That way it will fall in love with her.

Dullahans are not monsters. They're fairies.

And Celty is an especially cute fairy, too. How awesome is that?

Even though personally I would be dying to tell everyone in the world just how attractive Celty is, I know I'd better not tell them everything.

If everyone sees Celty's feminine charm, I'll have to deal with tens of thousands of love rivals.

Speaking of which, I wonder how things are between Mikado-kun and Anri-chan, who have both been to our home.

I thought they were boyfriends and girlfriends, but they were kind of lukewarm towards each other - or at least far from lovey-dovey.

I feel like they're something more than friends, but not yet lovers.

There's too much formality between them for them to have been childhood friends. But it doesn't look like they're just friends either.

I think one is about to confess to another.

As long as they do what they like, it's fine.

Their lifestyle is way healthier than ours when we were in high school.

But they seem to have their own problems as well. Not that it's a bad thing.

There's no law that says lovers cannot fight.

Self-restraint and patience are necessary, but too much aloofness just isn't normal.

All that trouble with Dollars and Yellow Turbans - but that's probably just what youth is about.

But there are things that one had better not confuse with others.

They say being young is a mistake in itself, but that doesn't mean young people don't have to take on responsibility.

Some salarymen like to tell people in bars how "I was a gangster when I was young!" and brag about all the bad things they did. But how very wrong they are.

If they think the bad things they did in their youth are boasting material, then they are not just former thugs; they "still are" mere thugs.

They say a leopard never changes its spots; these people haven't changed or paid back for their sins.

Maybe some of them have been to juvenile correctional institutions and paid back for part of their sins. But if they grow up and start bragging about it - that means they haven't really paid back for anything at all.

Kids do stupid things. I do admit that.

But I also admit that they will have to pay for the things they've done.

And that includes myself. Every single bad thing I've done will come back to me some day.

But when they do - I hope they're at least not going to make Celty sad.

It's the only compensation I can make to Celty for not telling her where her head was.

Or am I being too unilateral in this?

Why am I writing about such unreadable things?

For the next part, I'm going to write about what I write about every day: "Clothes I want Celty to wear".

I won't be able to sleep until I've written it down.

Picturing Celty in the clothes I mentioned in these diaries makes me insomniac in another sense, but that's OK.

# Celty the lady gunslinger. She'll be as wild and fatally erotic as Sharon Stone in The Quick and the Dead. Celty won't die even if she is shot, so she's more or less an unbeatable gunslinger. But one day she fell in love with me, a wanted criminal. Wait, maybe a better idea is for me to be the gunslinger and Celty the wanted criminal. Celty doesn't have a head anyway, so we can just find her a head, fake a hanging and set her free. Yeah, that sounds perfect.

# Celty the schoolgirl in a swimming suit. Could be very cute if the name tag on her chest says "Seruti" in hiragana. I don't have a thing for young girls or older women, but if it's Celty, I believe I'll fall in love with her no matter what age she looks.

# Celty the stripper. Her job is to expose her body, but in front of me she's embarrassed to show her charm. In fact, I pay to watch Celty's show every night.  ← (X because that makes me sound like a freak. Celty would probably hate me for it.)

# Celty in a sailor's uniform. I've already written about this a couple of times, but let's try a black one for a change. The scene is the library after school. I, the librarian, went back to the library late at night to get something I forgot. And what I see there is Celty, a bookworm girl who was too absorbed in the book to hear the school bell. Her headless body is trembling slightly in the dark…… ← (O I may be on to something good here. I'm going to ask Celty to try this.)

I always end up almost getting a nosebleed writing this.

They say that even if a doctor knows about every disease in the world he would still not be able to cure the disease called love. But my illness is even more serious than that.

The only one who can cure me is Celty.

Right behind me Celty is watching "Discovering World's Wonders", which she had recorded from last week's TV.

She'll never guess that right now I'm immersed in the bliss of picturing her in different costumes. Celty is simply too perfect when she's innocent and clueless like that.

Geez, Celty is trying to look at this entry.

I was fighting to hide it away from her while scribbling on it - what will she do if she finds out about all the fantasies I've written in this diary ahhhh this is the end of me there's shadow on my foot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~ -

(The paper was stained by several drops of blood.)

(In-between the red spots, a message was written in a different handwriting.)

Don't keep this all to yourself. Tell me. And sorry for getting your diary all dirty. Although it was from your nosebleed.

Also that sailor's uniform fantasy looks nothing like a romantic story. More like a school ghost tale.

Don't write about things like that, you fool. You're making me blush when I read it.

But as long as it's nothing too abnormal I might consider putting those clothes on for you.

When I'm in the mood, that is.

character: celty sturluson, volume: 6, media: light novel, character: kishitani shinra

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