How can this happen???????????

May 31, 2006 22:24

5 weeks ago on April 26th there was a horrible accident in Indiana. One of the girls in the accident was a dear family friend. For those of you who live in West Michigan you've probably heard about the accident and Laura Van Ryn. For 5 weeks Laura's parents have been by thier little girl's side... or so they thought... The girl they had been caring for had been in a coma since the accident, and lately has slowly been coming to. She fully regained conciousness last night, and it turns out, it's not Laura. It was another girl in the accident who apparently looked like Laura. So, they think that this other girl's family actually burried Laura. Now, I can understand mistaking the identities of these two girls at the crash site, since they were hit by a semi truck, and so the accident was really bad... But HOW, HOW tell me, can you bury someone without a positive ID???? I mean, do the coroners go in and be like "Oh, they said this was so and so, okay, it must be them" I am DEEPLY saddened by this news. The Van Ryn family has been through so much, and they believed so deeply that this was laura, and they had so much faith. A few years ago, Laura's cousin Matt was killed when the car he was riding in was hit by a logging truck. This is the closest knit family I've ever seen. Their faith in God is one that I've never seen. Even through this tragedy, they believe that God did it for a reason, and they don't doubt Him for a second. My sympathies go out to them, and I hope that they can be strong through this. I wish I could be there for them, but I only know her sister, aunt and uncle, my dad knows the rest of the family well. Lisa, if you ever read this, I am so very sorry for your loss. May you all continue to be strong.
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