
Oct 27, 2010 21:56

Поняла, что я какой-то асоциальный элемент все-таки.
Это выражается в том, что в то время, когда я должна слушать то, что мне не интересно, мозг начинает выделывать конкретно противополжное.
Не хочу слушать про фигурное катание - буду думать про футбол. Грубо говоря.

Что я делаю на скучной лекции по эстетике, например? 
Рисую какое-то непотребство.

Что я делаю на путаной и неинтересной лекции по русскому? Перевожу русские песни.

Every day, every step, every hour I spend
Seems an age for my mind, there's a hole in my head
I'm sitting in car, and the snow's all around
There's no sound
All the ways that I followed are totally out

Every day is like night, every night is like day
And my daughter is nowhere, my son is away
Where are dreams? I remember my fist full of sand
Can I get
Orange juice just to shed?

Morning coffee's
Boiling faster
Singing me about disaster
Dancing for some awful things which gonna happen
Here are answers for your questions
Mornings, summers, their connections
And a planet you don't know will make you happy

Every goalkeeper know what is pulsing in head
At the moment when he's ready to go ahead
Ice is cracking and it's sound is song
High or low
And the road will be buried under the snow

Morning coffee's
Boiling faster
Singing me about disaster
Dancing for some awful things which gonna happen
Here are answers for your questions
Mornings, summers, their connections
And a planet you don't know will make you happy

Pap pa pa pap pa pa
Pap pa pa pap pa pa

У ТД все тексты - пригоршня ассоциаций, так что тут можно даже себя не ругать за очевидные грамматические ошибки, попутанные кое-где предлоги и смесь американского с английским. Можно списать все на то, что это смысловой выверт.

Trolleybus stopped for a while at the station
Cause mecanician had made an incorrect action
No electricity's there, no lamps and no light
People do people during the time of the night

Palace contains so thin cardboard walls,
Glasses in windows and concrete in halls
Keeping all news of the day all the time in the mind
People do people during the time of the night

They are so happy to lose their breath
Sceaming of the euphoria they have
They're moving faster to make their expressions more bright
People do people during the time of the night

People in here and people in Rome
Think that the death will not come to their home
And wheel of the life will be spinning and spinning again
Clock in the kitchen has stopped and it's totallty plain

People will born, darling, don't be upset,
Sooner or later, you'll never regret
Trolleybus is crossing city, no lamps on the side
People do people during the time of the night

They are so happy to lose their breath
Sceaming of the euphoria they have
They're moving faster to make their expressions more bright
People do people during the time of the night

People like doing another ones during the night

Но перед ними вот уже правда стыдно.

А таких лекций еще много...
Скажите, никому ли не показалось случайно, что С-н вместо семинаров по русскому занимается политической пропагандой?..


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