No limits

Sep 18, 2011 21:41

Dear Breast Cancer,

I hate you.  I hate what you did to me.  I hate what you made me do so I could be rid of you.

But I beat you.  Cut you out, poisoned you, killed you.  But in doing so, I had to half kill myself.

It took me forever to feel somewhat normal again.  And it took me even longer to get my cardio back.  Slowy but surely, I climbed back.

I'm still not where I was before you tried to invade my body. But I'm getting there.

And yesterday, when I felt like I couldn't go on, I thought to myself, "What is harder - finishing this race or chemo?"

The answer was simple.  Chemo, hands down.

And I finished.  And I may be a survivor, but you do not define me.  You certainly don't limit me.

I'm glad you're dead.

And despite of the terrible time and the pain during the run, I am proud of what I did.  I don't have you anymore.  Instead, I have this:

Hello, marathoning.  I've missed you.

running madness, why did it have to be pink?, rl sucks

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