The trouble with aliases

Jul 03, 2006 16:45

First off... it appears that the Live Trumps site (which generated my card from the last post) is completely flooded. Guess traffic was greater than they expected. And to think the whole thing started with one person posting one card in their LJ on 6/28/2006! So I'm done with that particular game.

Second, I was going to write about something that happened on Saturday and realized that I did not yet have pseudonyms for the people involved. I sat down and tried to think of some...

...and came up with nothing. Zilch. Zippo. Ugh.

Normally it's really easy for me to come up with cute 'not-names' for people, but two factors increased the difficulty level. 1) I was going to have to come up with several at one time and 2) I know that they read this so that just makes the whole nickname thing that much more challenging. I mean, it was easy to come up with Creepy McCreep, Cutie Pie, Work Spouse, Kissing Bandit, McHottie, and Evil One... they were all spontaneous and with one possible exception they don't read this journal, so I'm ok with the names as given. And Beth actually kinda sorta picked hers; I think it's great when people name themselves.

The conscious thought part... the part where I have to come up with names that people will actually be ok with... I think that's what's kicking me in the ass.

Oh, and yes I know that I haven't actually used some of those nicknames in any of my posts yet. Since I use them in real life, it's just a matter of time before they show up here. As will some other names that were created by other people (Robot, Creepy Guy II, High Pockets I & II, Q-Tip, Lippy, CocoJoe, etc. come to mind). And I think I need to start making distinctions between the men I call 'Cute Guys' - there are 4 right now and I have to use additional verbiage to identify them properly (like Cute Guy down in Columbus who was mentioned in a previous post). They all need their own nicknames.

Great. More people to name.

Random thing I learned yesterday: New neighbors will look at me very strangely when I sit on my back steps on a Sunday morning sharpening a hatchet with a mill file. The other neighbors didn't even look twice. (I used it to cut up some really big roots in my front flowerbed).

trading cards, cg alert, friends, ballroom dancing

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