Good News + Good Run = Good Day!

Apr 27, 2008 21:06

Remember how irritated I was about the choice for director of the balance of the Harry Potter films? Well, when I found out about the following decision, I was doing the happy dance. Seriously. It was the absolute opposite reaction to the Harry Potter announcement.

Guillermo del Toro will be directing both parts of "The Hobbit"!!!!

I can't tell you how much I love his style. I've seen and loved Hellboy, The Devil's Backbone, and Pan's Labyrinth. del Toro, combined with Peter Jackson as the Producer, is going to make a fantastic pair of films!!!! *is giddy*

I ran another long one today - just under 10 miles. And I lost the truck. Go figure. It felt mostly good and I'm a good kind of sore right now. Next week, 12 miles and then the race is the weekend after. Nothing like doing something at the last minute!

Oh, I meant to mention this fantastic charity basketball game I saw last Friday. It was between 6 Detroit Lions (who shoot as well as they play football) and the local media 'All-Stars'. Well, almost local... I guess the guys from the Free Beer and Hot Wings Show really qualify as 'stars' outside of the local geographic area (although they would be the first to argue that they aren't stars at all). I took some pics and a good time was had by all.

My favorite picture is below. There's something about candid shots... I love taking them. I also love it when the subjects look like they're completely enjoying themselves.

uberfan, running madness, that radio show

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