Spring fever

Mar 14, 2007 17:12

It was ridiculously gorgeous the past two days. On Monday, the weather was so nice that J.T. started up the bike and we went for a nice ride. Wished for longer, but there's still a ton of sand on the roads and that makes driving a little squirrely. So we didn't travel far out of town and we didn't ride much after dark.

Naturally, the weather is trending back to cold and generally yucky. Blech. I know I'm not alone in hoping that winter would go away for good; however the Irish Jig is this weekend and it wouldn't be a Jig without some sort of inclement weather. I got pelted with sleet one year, rained on another, and ran through several inches of slush during yet another.

The Irish Jig marks the official start of the race season for most people in Grand Rapids. From here on out, 5K runs will be held at least every other weekend. So that means my happy butt has to seriously start working on the mileage. I mean, it's the middle of March and the Fifth Third Riverbank Run is only a few months away. Holy crap! I have to run this year, not only to add to my ever growing pile of finisher's medals, but also because it's the 30th running. I need that special anniversary medal! So I've got to work my way back up to 15.5 miles, amidst all of the other things I do to occupy my time.

I still have to figure out how to load vids on this site. I want to load a video of my dog trying to pick up a medicine ball to play fetch (she's not successful, but oh my goodness is she cute when she tries).

running madness, cg alert, rl sucks

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