Jul 24, 2016 20:58
Сборник рассказов на основе масштабной серии комиксов авторства, собственно, великого и прекрасного Геймана. К сожалению, я с ними совершенно не знакома, иначе впечатление от сборника было бы полнее. Вообще, рассказы очень разные. Некоторые скучно было дочитывать, а парочка так понравилась, что зачесались руки перевести.
He almost respected a painting of a nude man sitting in a car seat with his decapitated head facedown in his lap, but he only liked it for the title, Auto-fellatio.
"You're never tempted to act out the things you imagine?"
"Imagining them is the acting out."
Still carrying Captain Jack and Bobby Bear and with Leo following behind him, Nemo began mounting the marble stairs. From his previous visits he knew there were exactly 1,234,567,890 steps; he had counted them often.
Each man took a soft, cloth-wrapped bundle: death swathed in flannel. To them the weight of it against their bellies was sweet, almost as sweet as the weight of a nestling fetus, awaiting birth.
Brave Persian warriors battle hungry lions and fearsome djinni. An invading army riding war chariots and Soviet tanks is met by heroic soldiers armed with spears and AK-47s, while angry gods and helicopter gunships hover in the war-darkened skies. Some of the images are obscured by bloodstains, while other parts have been damaged by bullets and fire. The tapestry reeks of smoke and gunpowder.
He was making ten times more than he could possibly have made like that, but money wasn't everything; in fact, once you had food and clothes, a warm place to sleep and a few hundred pocket money, more money meant very little.
Most of us love the stage, and suicide is definitely your last performance, and, being addicted to the stage, suicide was never an option - plus people get to look you over and stare at your fatty bits and you can't cross your legs to give that flattering thigh angle and that's depressing.