raindrops keep falling on my head

Oct 31, 2007 08:50

Last week it finally rained. Running in it Wednesday morning was a little annoying, but I was still grateful for it. Thursday it rained only lightly for the morning run. But Saturday....when I got up at 5am it was pouring. My gratitude for the long awaited precipitation waned as I drove north in the dark and wished I was still in my dry, warm bed. This is the price you sometimes have to pay to be prepared for a marathon, though. I wasn't the only one who showed up for the run, either. There were 6 of us starting at 6am, and we were all a little on the grouchy side. Once a mile had gone by, we were drenched, and that's when it started to be fun. No longer worried about splashing or noticing each cold raindrop as it landed, we all started laughing, imagining what the people driving by were thinking of this weird group of people out in the dark and the rain. Each giant splash into an unseen puddle was met with giggles. Later, when the sun came out it was even better. We couldn't get any wetter, after all, so we rolled with it and were all glad that afterward, we'd have our long run behind us and we knew that clean, dry socks would never feel better than after a run like this one. That's the last long run (18 miles) before Richmond. Time to taper!
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