Just in case you missed it, the
apocalyptothon stories are now live. Multifandom apocafics! What's not to love? There is a nice Sam/Jack apocafic too,
Empty Stream of Stars by
I've been mainlining Bones for the last few weeks and I am in love. There is just so much to love about this show, but, of course, it's the characters that make it for me. I love how unflappable and naive and analytical and blunt Brennan is. I love how loyal and goofy and scary intense Booth is. I love that Angela is the free spirit, emotional one who doesn't let all of the death around them become commonplace. I love sweet, smart, hopelessly socially retarded Zack. I love Hodgins for his unapologetic geekery, consipracy theories and heartfelt emotions. So, yeah. Love that show. Though I barely survived about ten minutes of trawling for fics before I gave up. Any recs?
I've also been reading a crap load of Rory/Jess fic lately. I miss Gilmore Girls. Sigh.
The Seven Deadly Sins: A Series of Lit Vignettes is a great one I just finished reading.
Oh, and if you haven't read anything by
Fair-ithil you are missing out. She's mutlifannish and writes so beautifully. One of those authors who seems to almost be writing poetry rather than prose, each word carefully chosen to paint rich characters and environments. There's Harry Potter, Gilmore Girls, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Firefly, Supernatural, and more.