You know how very occasionally you come across a fanvids that manages to completely encompass what you love about a particular fandom and from then on that song will never fail to remind you of that vid and that fandom? (Much like the way I can't hear The Blue Man Group's Rods and Cones without thinking of Rocketchick's uber Stargate SG-1 vid.) Now I can no longer hear OneRepublic's Marching On without thinking of Harry Potter and
this awesome vid.
Speaking of Harry Potter, there is a mad non-canon ship comment ficathon going on
over here. Lots of prompts and lots of great little snippets. Most of which are really more 'throw two characters in a room together' than real ship. My Luna love is in full effect. Here's some I recommend:
Seeing Things That Others Don't by
alissabobissa (Harry and Luna) I think Luna makes the best foil for Harry.
This Maze of Being by
eleusis_walks (Ginny and Tom Riddle) absolutely chilling
Unworthy by
leigh_adams (Severus Snape and Charity Burbage) Oh, Snape.
And not strictly from the commentathon but made of serious awesome, the fic I didn't even know I was waiting for all these years:
Knight in Dented Armor by
igrockspock (Draco and Luna) This is just awesome. It's set in the time Luna spent in the Malfoy's dungeon and encapsulates everything I love about both of these characters.
On the Stargate front:
Winners by
penknife (Jack, Daniel, Sam/Jack) Really great look at what 'winning' really feels like, and why it doesn't feel better.
the cold hard equation by
blahnicity (Sam, Daniel, Sam/Jack) This one will punch you in the gut. You have been forewarned.
Oh, and while I'm here, an awesome Sanctuary fic I've been meaning to mention:
Form and Function by
penknife (Henry) Read this for Henry, but also for all the other characters seen through his eyes. This one makes me ache for all of them and wish Ashley back So Hard.