You heard me. No way. No how. Posting to purge from my brain. Lol
SG-1 and Leverage, sitting in a tree, K-I-C-K-I-N-G ass and taking names...
Nate slapped a file down on the table, knocking the dozing Hardison’s feet to the ground.
“What the hell?” he sputtered, nearly losing his balance as he snapped awake.
“We’ve got a case,” Nate says, passing over a thumb drive.
“Like a ‘please’ would kill him, walking in here and disturbing my well-earned naptime,” Hardison grumbled under his breath as he loaded the data.
“New case?” Parker chirped, appearing from nowhere so quickly that Nate had to resist the urge to glance under the table to see if that’s where she’d come from. He’d long ago stopped trying to figure that one out.
“There had better not be any sewers involved this time,” Sophie complained as she gracefully slid into her seat.
“Or crocodiles,” Eliot added, slouching back against a post.
Nate glanced at Eliot’s new hand-tooled leather boots, but knew way better than to ask.
“This case is a bit of a favor,” Nate said, taking the display remote from Hardison.
As a collective, they groaned. Personal favors always came back and bit them in the ass.
“Not another loan shark,” Sophie said.
Nate shook his head. “A cousin of Maggie’s gave me a call, and I promised the guy we’d help him out.”
They all perked up a bit at Maggie’s name. As disturbing as it could be at times, Nate was perfectly aware that the team had all but adopted her as one of their own, her strange proclivities towards law-abiding notwithstanding. (They all have quirks.)
“What’s this cousin of hers gotten into?” Eliot asks.
“It’s a missing person case.” Nate clicked the remote, the picture of a blond woman in Air Force blues appearing on the screen.
Eliot’s eyes flitted across the picture. “An Air Force Major?”
Nate nodded. “Highly decorated, with a nearly flawless, if not heavily classified record.”
“Who’s the snatcher?” Parker asked, her face pressed up close to the display.
Nate paused, looking around the room at his team, knowing this was the only hook he’d need to get them on board. “The U.S. Government.”
There was only a moment of silence as the information sank in, and then they were all in motion. Hardison’s face lit up like Christmas come early, already muttering about which government servers he could hack into. Sophie and Eliot turned to each other, debating various cons, whether or not the Czechoslovakian government had anything in common with the U.S.
“Oh!” Parker said, spinning around on her heel. “Does this mean we finally get to steal a President?”
Nate glanced at the calm, pretty face of the missing major, a woman turned into a ghost by her own government, the very government she spent her life in service to.
“If we have to, Parker. If we have to.”
The U.S. Government would never know what hit them.