omg, you guys. I'm still alive, I swear. My life has just been...insane. Work's been a whirlwind, been flying out places most weekends, got in a minor but highly aggravating and time consuming car accident, dealing with family health insanity, cat health issues, and I just...GAH. I've been lurking around a tiny bit, just trying to keep myself sane, but most things have collapsed by the way side. I feel like I've missed a thousand birthdays (yo, birthday girls, leave me a prompt, maybe that will kick my muse back into gear). And I think I owe my first born to
abyssinia4077 in fannish blood payment at this point.I don't even have any energy left to flail over LJ's most recent attempt to make my fannish anonymity as tricky as possible (facebook has been completely isolated in its own dedicated web browser, I don't trust it to play well with others). Someone please tap me before we all completely abandon LJ. I don't want to miss the last boat.
I'm staring at a pile of fic that desperately needs to be finished, especially with NaNo breathing down my neck. (What is up with all these sequels? I've got the third and FINAL installment in the porn universe, I've got a mini!otp sequel (?!?!), not to mention Down Here Among the Wreckage that people must be assuming I have abandoned (I haven't, I SWEAR!). Plus, I have just finished posting my
dayofindulgence uber
slavefic of doom over at ffnet. sort of ends evilly and requires a sequel that I have not nearly finished yet. *is evil* (I will post said evil fic here at some point. Probably.) And let us not even speak of the Thirty Characters meme from ages ago. Oy.)
I have been stealing moments here and there late at night when I can't sleep and have been surprisingly obsessed with Star Trek Reboot fic. I know. WTH?
But I discovered
igrockspock and her uber fic of wonder (most of which is centered around the awesomeness that is the women of ST). Seriously do yourself a favor and read everything she has written. My favorites?
Logic Demands that You Take Off that Ridiculous Hat, Get Naked, and Come to Bed (Amanda Greyson/Sarek) I love this look at Amanda from Sarek's point of view. I makes me believe in this pairing.
Caged Bird Singing (Giala, gen) This is the backstory that makes Giala more than that green girl who slept with Kirk. Brittle, harsh, and lovely and hopeful all at the same time. Warning for sexual slavery.
Not Her Body, But Her Life (Spock/Uhura, Amanda) Spock tries to reconcile mourning his mother as a human, not a Vulcan. This is the fic that lingers. Short, but glorious, and pitch perfect. Makes me want to know Amanda.
Nobody to Help Me (But Myself) (Christine Chapel, Kirk, Gen) I don't know much about Christine Chapel, but this fic makes me love her. Not to mention the way Kirk is handled, the way I believe him as Captain in this fic, even with his specific personality carefully woven into it. It's great. Warning for attempted rape.
How Winona Kirk Fell in Love, Found Her Strength, and Healed a Relationship with Bread Pudding (Winona/George, with lovely, lovely Winona raising a difficult son. Gah. I love
igrockspock 's Winona like whoa, flawed, feisty, and fabulous)
A few other fics by other authors:
Off the Old Block by
rawles (Joanna McCoy) I love this fic, the teenaged, angry Joanna visiting her dad, manipulating everyone around her, and finally realizing just what she's so angry about.
Not a Ghost Story by
tosca1390 (Winona Kirk, Jim Kirk) Life after George Kirk. How she fucks it up and how she doesn't. Absolutely amazing. (Who knew I could love a character so much who had like two minutes of screen time?)
Lot's Wife by
fialleril (Amanda) Her last moments. Gorgeous.
Also, check out this
awesome picspam of the women of Star Trek.