Sam/Jack FTW.

May 14, 2010 18:30

I may have just spent a good hour or so perusing Sam/Jack clips on youtube, dragging holdouttrout  into the fray with me. Important lessons learned:

'Trio' deleted scene.
-Oh, Sam. Keller is scared out of her mind and you try to distract her with work. Lol.
-Keller: "Would I know him?" Sam-"Probably not." Sam, you are still the worst liar in the universe. Hahah. Jack would be so amused.

'Evolution' Sam/Jack scenes.
-They are totally doing it in this episode.
-Yet more evidence of Jack's soft 'Sam voice'. Seriously. Give this a listen. Now katcorvi  understands why I always felt the need to say, "Jack said lowly." It wasn't adverb abuse, it was TRUTH!
-They can't look away from each other! Like, someone must have put a spell on them, can't look away. So much said with absolutely no words. Sigh.
-THE SMILING! I'm imagining the conversation between RDA and AT that must have taken place. "Let's just pretend this episode that they are going at it like bunnies." "Fun!"

Greatest Hits (kissing and angsting without cheesy music piped in over it.)
-Jack going alpha male on Daniel in 'Broca Divide' will never get old. Poor, Daniel! I'd like to hear that conversation after they are all cured. Lol.
-While I will never stop obsessively rewatching the 'Window of Opportunity' kiss, the 'Grace' kiss will forever reign as the hottest kiss of all time. Look at that, Sam. Maybe you are so screwed in the head that you won't even let yourself hallucinate a kiss, but your subconscious knows what it's doing. GUH.
-Jack's temper tantrum (or at least as much as he ever allows himself) in 'Grace'. Teal'c is a complete and total shipper. Daniel may or may not be clueless, but Teal'c knows all. This scene never fails to break my heart. You know, and make my muse run around in circles squeeing.
-(Also, they really needed to stop letting RDA dress himself when he's in civvies. Even in Sam's imagination he's insane!)
-Oh, Moebius. Jack all put out that Sam prefers Daniel, and thinking Daniel is gay... PRICELESS. That just never gets less hilarious. Way to take a poke at all your fans at once, Stargate. And his complete confusion when she kisses him, and Sam going into a diatribe about why she lied, and Jack just being all, forget this, and kissing her again. Yes, I know lots of people felt shortchanged to get yet another never-happened-kiss, but this was so frickin hilarious.

Ending of 'Frozen'

Let's just say this is for personal research for some nefarious reason. Yes. That is all I will say. :P

I hope you all have a stupid cute filled weekend.


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