holdouttrout send me to watch
scifi_tv_addict's '
Wake Up Call" which is an awesome, hilarious, well put together vid about Teal'c not particularly dealing well with other men touching his Sam and Vala. You gotta see it! So funny.
How about some fic recs?
Delicate Dancing by
weesta_fic (Leverage, Eliot, Sophie, Hardison/Parker)
Short little look into the dynamics of all these characters. Sophie observing Eliot with Hardison and Parker. Very fun.
Just a City Boy by
anr (Glee, Finn/Rachel, Finn/Quinn)
I'm still wondering how I can be so excited about fanfic for a show that's only aired one ep. Lol. But this is a great fic, dealing with Finn's crazy, confusing, frightening, and yet somehow sweet relationship with Rachel. I just hope this show can live up to the fanfic it's inspired!
And if you are somehow still not reading
Physics of the Spin, why, I ask you? WHY? The latest chapter,
Pegasus Law of Disaster, has completely blown me away and made me fall in love with the story all over again as the author deals with the impact of the bigoted, cluster-fuck-waiting-to-happen insanity that is the American Military's 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' policy. (SGA/Gilmore Girls Crossover, some Rory/John)
aurora_novarum pointed out
this awesome online comic, and the more I read, the more I feel like I am watching my own geek life! Haha.
I'm also enjoying reading through John Roger's posts on
Kung Fu Monkey blog, lots of behind the scenes Leverage goodness!
Oh, and random PSA to the universe? Stories posted to LJ in multiple parts? Be a kind, thoughtful author and take the five seconds it requires to add a link to the next chapter at the bottom of each previous entry, pretty please? Otherwise the reader might not be arsed to search around your journal to find the next bit and give up trying to read it all together. Just a thought.
So, people, what's your glee these days? How is Project More Glee in 2009 going?