Random fannish thoughts are random.

Jul 23, 2009 16:29

PEOPLE. There was only one Sam/Jack fic posted to LJ over the last week. And it was a chapter of a WIP. I mean, as much as I appreciate my debrief tagging job being so easy, I'd really rather have a crap load of FIC. (Hey, turn your pointed stares somewhere else, those hurt!)

In related news, I should never have mentioned that I was working on the next installment of the DC Series. I haven't written a single word on it since that day. You think I would have learned by now. Which is why I won't mention that I've been working on something else--D'OH.

I've noticed a distinct difference in my Stargate reading habits vs. my Leverage reading habits. In Stargate, I have always turned to fic to read what I don't get on the show, primarily shippy stuff. I didn't really want anymore episode, team type stuff, because I got that on the show, right?  Yet, with Leverage, I don't really have any interest in purely shippy fic, because that ship is getting in the way of my team! I just want more show, more teamy, dorky, cheesey, have no sense of personal space team fic. I don't want angst, or introspective stuff. I just want MY TEAM, people!  Which is sort of strange for me and certainly a change.

In other news, I have been watching the commentaries on Leverage Season 1 DVDs.  God, could I love this show more? The writers, producers, and directors are all total dorks, just like us. And they do great commentary, pointing out ad-libs and character development and outfits and tricks, and they praise all the actors and the guests and have just great senses of humor and such obvious love for the show, the characters, and the actors.  Like pointing out that Beth totally made up Parker's thing with smelling people, but how awesome it is.  And Christian practicing spinning stuff in his fingers. And Hutton asking for just one more take because he doesn't think he's quite gotten it down yet. (And they spend a great deal of time pointing out that Nate really isn't that nice of a guy. haha)  And in one bit they were laughing about a particular set and one says, "yeah, you just stuffed the room full of crap from your other movies. I was sad not to see a Stargate in the corner." Bwhaha. And then when Jonathon Frakes is the director and does commentaries he's always making these Star Trek jokes and just being goofy.  And then someone will mention, "Oh, the fans really loved that bit of dialog, I saw it on the boards," or "That shot of Eliot, so many fans have turned that into icons," and I'm just laughing because they are obviously in touch with fandom and are practically fanboys themselves.

My LOCI obsession seems to have died a quick and inexplicable death. I'm still scratching my head over that one. I feel like I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.

And I finally saw the Harry Potter movie and have once again found myself reading a lot of HP fic.  Highlights:
And the Clock Ticks by Lirazel (Molly Weasley, beautiful angst)
Multiplicity by Lirazel (Trio, gen)
sweet and half forgotten by She's a Star (Harry/Ginny, missing scene from DH)
Harry Potter and the Insert Title Here by opalish (Harry/Ginny, CRACK, humor)

That's all from my schizo fannish brain. Laters.

fic rec: harry potter, jack/sam, loci, leverage, fic_rec

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