Title: Surrogate
Author: Annerb
Summary: An injury sidelines Cassie and she’s stuck with the most unlikely of nursemaids.
Warnings: PG (Just to be safe. This is Vala after all.)
Categorization: Gen, Angst, Drama, Cassie and Vala friendship, tiny mention of Cassie/other
A/N: Written for the
galpalficathon with the prompt 'Vala and Cassie, uniform'. Special thanks to
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Cassie is an interesting character to me. I like to think her relationship with SG-1 is pretty flawed (of course, that is probably part of the fact that I only find flawed relationships interesting. Especially how they still manage to work even with all the problems). So, yeah, Cassie loves SG-1, but can have major issues with them (and let's be honest, SG-1 has a pretty awful track record. lol). I just can't see Cassie as a perfectly adjusted, obedient, ideal daughter/neice to SG-1. But they still LOVE each other so damn much. Just like a real family should. :D
Yeah, the thing about Adria which I find interesting, is that Cassie can be completely out of the loop (she probably doesn't even know who the Ori are), but still relate. Because sure, on one level Adria was just a supernatural super villain, but on a more universal level, she's a daughter who never quite manages to see eye to eye with her mother. I love that it works on both levels.
Thank you so much for reading what i know is a strange, strange pairing. :D Glad you enjoyed it!
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