+Things that made my week awesome:
syxp 's Sam/Jack fic that nearly made me die laughing as I beta'd it.
Sam. Jack. Alien Chocolate. What more do you need to know? Go read! (and be sure you're not trying to drink anything at the same time)
I'm sure you've all already seen this, but
Sarah Palin as Fangirl is the most ingenious thing I've seen in a while.
Also, if you somehow missed the SGA crack fic by
koalathebear , you must read. How the multishipping chaos that is SGA affects the characters.
Shipper Ground Zero +Speaking of Shipping on Atlantis... The whole Keller/McKay thing is really growing on me. Probably because these are two of my favorite characters on the show. Anyone got any recs?
+Sorry to anyone who has actually tried to read anything on my website lately. Due to boring reasons I won't get into, every punctuation mark has been replaced with gibberish. I am torn between taking the entire damn site down and being done with it, starting all over from scratch (Gods, NO!), and coming up with some brilliant, quick way to fix it. Although, right now, I seem to be going with Plan D: do nothing. Everything but my epic Mary-Sue is up on LiveJournal though, so yeah, people can read everything there instead... So, sticking with Plan D for now.
+Finally watched my first ep of Sanctuary...uh, Nubbins or whatever it was called. My main thoughts?
-The CG was no where near as distracting as I assumed it would be.
-AT's accent is pretty well done, as far as this colonist can tell. I was very scared of that.
-Every once and a while AT would do some expression or say some word a certain way and I would be all "OMG! It's SAM!!!!" Nice to see that Helen *is* a completely different character though, not that I really had doubted AT's acting abilities.
-I'm ashamed to admit that one of the first things I did was try to figure out all the pairings. What are they hinting at? Of course, I had to start with the episode where some weird creatures are getting them all horny. (And how made of win was Magnus when she sort of matter-of-factly points this out to the guy, whatever his name is, making him uncomfortable and she's like "Poor thing." hahahah)
-How is AT even more beautiful? How is this POSSIBLE?
-Computer/tech dork also seems to have potential to be made of win.
-And as for the gruff, prosthetics wearing alien/beast/whatever: my first thought is "Oh, no, Sanctuary. Token monster does not = person of color." Why do scific/fantasy shows always have such a problem with this? It's one of the whitest shows I've seen in a while. This makes me sad.
-Tell me the daughter is not usually this silly.
Bottom line? I think I will watch more, but I haven't been sucked in yet. Very glad to see it picked up again, I wish AT all the success in the world.
+Bones, you continue to be the most awesome thing on TV. *squidges show*
+Is it a sign of illness that I'd really like to sign up for a ficathon right now? Clearly.