That's what I get for being M.I.A. for so long...

Aug 24, 2007 13:30

Boy am I glad I'm not in charge of Anne's blog! Whew!! People sure get fiesty over there! Of course, since I only get online once every 6 years or so (what it seems like, anyway...) I missed all the really big comments that got deleted. All I can see is "comment has been deleted by user" as a kind of tease. I bet there were bad words in it. Gosh, I miss all the action. *sniff*

In the Knews.... (haha, get it? I put at "K" there because I'm going to talk about "k"nitting!!)
I have made two hats. Well, four actually, but two really good ones, one that is sort of okay, and one that was so bad I ripped it all out this morning and am going to re-make it. I LOVE THEM. and I love to make them! The one hat I made with the yarn called "falling leaves" is ridiculously small... as in, I'm not sure if it would even fit a preemie. However, if this baby turns out to be a girl baby, it'll do nicely for her dolls down the road. After I made the too-small-for-a-preemie hat, (which obviously didn't use very much yarn at all) I made a slightly bigger "falling leaves" hat which is FABULOUS. They both look great, but this one seems to be the right size. And even if it is a little too big for a newborn, at least it doesn't fit ME, and it will work for little Schapino next fall. With the extra "falling leaves" yarn I am going to knit a scarf and matching hat for Gracie for her birthday, which is October 12th. She likes to wear my scarves in the fall and winter, so I think she should have her own, and this yarn is super cute. Although, it isn't pink... so maybe she won't like it...

And I'll get some red yarn for Christopher and make him a scarf too, which will probably end up matching Martin's scarf because I'll double it up with a dark grey to make it less boring.

And the blanket work has stalled for now while I'm making so many hats.

Okay, now on to more interesting things. I had an ultrasound this morning! I know my mom says that they are just taking my money by giving me four ultrasounds in one pregnancy, and heck, maybe they are, but I don't care. It's worth a small fortune to be able to see Little Schapini dancing all over on the screen and see his cute little face and his nose... which has grown considerably since the last ultrasound... frightening as that is.... poor child.

Anyway, the ultrasound technician was SUUUPER nice. She was so cute! And she liked my purse! And she liked my baby! And my pregnant belly! The ultrasound was really to look at the baby's heart because last time it was moving so much the lady couldn't get a picture of it for the doctor. This time the baby was moving so much the lady ALMOST couldn't get a picture of it for the doctor, but finally did at the end. But we looked at his legs and his cute little face and guess what?? We even saw HAIR on his head!! Little white things coming off his head, they are little hairs!! How adorable is that?!??!!? So I don't care if they are robbing me. It's worth it. (At least this time, while I have nothing else to do with my morning!)

And I've almost finished my thank-you notes from the shower, in less than a week! That's pretty good for Annie Time. They might even get mailed tomorrow!!

I went to lunch with my dad today and we had Indian food and there was this one orange dish that was sooooooooo good. He'd been looking forward to mango ice cream, and therefore had made ME look forward to it too, but they didn't have any today. :(

I really like being pregnant, I do. It's exciting and funny and most days I don't mind that I'm not wearing my normal clothes (especially since I got these super hott jeans from Goodwill for only $3.99!) At least I still get to wear all my cute shoes. So, I like it. I think it's fun, for the most part. But I can foresee a time in the not very distant future when I DON'T like being pregnant. I am anticipating a time not very long from now where I'm really sick of the constant back-ache*, the never being able to sleep, the waking up every hour to potty, the general heaviness. Right now I'm able to deal with all this fairly cheerfully (okay, I wasn't cheerful about it the other day, but for the most part, I do alright) but it won't be long before I'm sick and tired of it and I'm not going to ever be cheerful about it. I'm not even going to try! It will actually be a good thing that Martin will be gone for the majority of eight weeks at the end of my pregnancy. I certainly wouldn't want to deal with me during that time, and I don't see why he should have to. He did enough for me in the first three months... which was more like five.

*"back-ache." More like butt-ache. Which, I think, is worse, ONLY because when your back hurts you can go around and kind of hold your back or rub your back and then people might realize why you're walking like a lame cow. But to go around in public holding or massaging my rear end? Um... not so acceptable. Not that it would do any good anyway, since the pain is from that weird nerve and not from muscles. Sciactic? Is that what it's called?

I don't mean to sound so complainy. I'm not complaining really, I think all of this is hilarious. I think it's a lot easier to see the humor in something when you know it's going to be over in three months.

I have only ten weeks until I'm "term." CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?! I can't!!
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