Talking with the wee ones . . .

Nov 03, 2012 08:42

Yesterday I visited Foundations Child Development Center. I had planned to read to the three-year-old classes and the pre-Kindergarten. But when the toddler teachers asked if I'd read to their students, too, how could I say no? Of course, I've read to toddlers before, but always in a mixed-age group, where there'd be older kids to ask and answer questions.

But what to say to a group of only toddlers? The concepts of "author and illustrator" or "feeling embarrassed" or "practice, practice, practice" would be way above their heads. Of course, I knew that if nothing else, I could just read, but I wanted to do more.

Luckily, I found my answer in the book. The book cover is pretty obviously three colors: pink, white and black. So color became Impromptu Theme One. And in the line, "Remember to keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth closed," I found Impromptu Theme Two: body parts.

At the end of the reading, we stood up to plié and pirouette. THAT was a hit.

Thanks, Foundations, for a terrific visit with some adorable kids!!

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