May 10, 2004 14:57
I woke up at 225 and realized that I needed to call my dad to see if he called the doctor.
He said that they told him to call back on wendesday.
Then I told him I couldn't stop shaking(he already knows about the bloody mucus) and that there was white stuff on the right side of my throat. He started yelling at me and askign me whe\y I was shakign and why my mother couldnt take me.
my mother doesnt believe in secular medicine., this morning when i told her i wasnt going to school all she did was pray and press down very hard on the sore part... which made me cry.
my dad apparently thinks nothing of it eventhough ive haventr gotten this sick since i was 11 or so and said hes goignt o get me some over thec ounter medicine.
so i came online to find a clinic i can go to walk or whatever
maybe take ther bus but i only have 20 dollars..
on wendesday when i first started getting sick i called my dad so he could call the dr so i could go on fri but on friday i asked him and he casually said "i forgot" so on sunday i told him that i awas going to call them myself and fnd a way down there and he got mad and siad he was going to call.
i find it intieresting that when iwas littel and i said iw as sick he tooks eme to the dr that tday but now he could care less