Jun 05, 2007 18:07
= Multiple Sleep Latency Test, the idea is to test how much daytime sleepiness is a problem, versus daytime fatigue, I pretty much know the answer, even when desparately tired and wanting a nap, I don't fall asleep in the afternoon (I used to, but not these days). It's frustrating as this test takes all day, and I don't feel like it's going to be all that helpful, even if it does tell the doctor something, I'm not sure he'll be able to do anything, we've already identified some issues with the overnight sleep study I did, it's possible they are caused by medication, but not taking that medication is not really an option and I don't react very well to the group of medicines that can treat the problem. The long and short of it is tomorrow will be a boring day attached to lots of wires!
It's dancing tonight and it will be our first session on the tango, which could be interesting, fortuately they always walk through all the steps, so I will just have to concentrate very hard! My hip is feeling pretty sore right now, but I think it will be ok, the tango has less rotation than the vienesse waltz and there won't be as much actual dancing in the first class compared to later in the month.