If I go forward with this 30 deathfics thing, you got your Metal Gear crossover. BECAUSE I'M TOTALLY TURNING TEZUKA INTO
THE SORROW asdfdsfdsfdsfsd I LOVE THE SORROW ♥♥ And Eiji will be either Joy/Boss or I won't even finish that. STAMINA ISSUES. ACROBACIES. THE FEAR. Include prehensile tongue yesplz because it's DAMN SEXY. And Fuji will be David The End and NOBODY CAN REALLY BE JOY there's too much canon between her and Skippy Sorrow and the Fury will be Pedro Taka because he BURNS BABY and Pain will be Judeu Inui because of his juices (LOLZ I'LL THINK ABOUT THE BEES).
Is that good enough? Or will you *really* make me draw those 15 "4 Stages" things we talked about? Because I really can't draw that. And it's not the killer!Eiji that bothers me, it's the ANGLES. DDD|