Well, I was writing a neat little entry, then I accidentally hit "back" and lost it all. I hate you Livejournal! *throttle*
Not that I have anything too interesting to write about. Oh, my birthday was a lot of fun! We went out to dinner and then to the theater to see the Cowboy Bebop movie, which was sadly not playing anymore. So we bopped on over to Best Buy and Steve picked up some Lupin and Family Guy, I got Buffy season 4, and we got the co-ax stuff we needed for our apartment. So for my birthday we just watched some Buffy at home. It was fun :)
Steve got me Cowboy Bebop on DVD (yaaay!), Sarah sent me a card with a check (yaaay!), Jeff got me the 'Blue' OST CD (yaaay!) and the guys all went in on some mysterious thing on ebay that was apparently *very* expensive and the seller seems to have taken their money and disappeared... (boooo) I feel really bad about that, I hope that they didn't get ripped off.
I also got three emails from old friends and an e-card from my penpal Mai, which was really heartwarming. It was sweet that people remembered.
I did get Dan to sit down and watch the first four episodes of Cowboy Bebop, and I think he likes them... which is good. It's such a *great* series. And I adore the music. Good music really sells me on a show - that's true of Buffy too, and even video games. I have a real weak spot for it :) That reminds me, I hear the music from .hack is pretty good, so that'll be the next thing to look for.
Oh, and
chaoslace has seen some updates. Dragon Cross is now up to chapter 8 and there are two new fanarts. When will I get over my Persona obsession? Only the sages know.
Anyway, DC is definitely winding down. I think I might have 5 or 6 more chapters left. It sort of depends. The thing is, I'm already thinking about a sequel... ^^; I wonder if it's not the most productive thing I could be doing with my creative energy.
Ahhh well. *rubs eyes* I'm feeling really sleepy today. Could be that I didn't drink my usual coffee... also, I haven't seen Chal or Corv online in a while, I wonder if they're having phone line troubles again. Those two need broadband internet in the worst way. Thankfully I still have Sarah and Jeff to talk to while I'm at work, but I miss Chal... *whine*
And finally, to entertain me, here is some random AIM hilarity. Or maybe not so hilarious. Okay, just some random AIM.
WolfAmes: I like Devo
agentamek: Don't we all?
WolfAmes: mostly the hats
elspazz0: i am
agentamek: ..
agentamek: ..
agentamek: ..
agentamek: ..
agentamek: ..
elspazz0: the warchief
elspazz0: you know how mom is about the weight thing
agentamek: I'm way happier when I'm fat
agentamek: I hate dieting, it's so not me
elspazz0: "why, dear lordy lord, do i have two fatties for daughters?? why??"
agentamek: I have one word for mom... overcompensation
elspazz0: i have one word for mom... "egg"
elspazz0: well she looks like goddamn humpty dumpty
agentamek: true.... true
agentamek: man, I hope my kids don't make fun of me like this
agentamek: though they probably will
elspazz0: if she were humpty, the poem would go something like this:
elspazz0: humpty dumpty sat on a wall
elspazz0: humpty dumpty had a great fall
elspazz0: humpty dumpty laid there and cried. the end.
agentamek: lmao
agentamek: 'humpty dumpty sat in front of the freezer and couldn't get up'
elspazz0: LOL
elspazz0: and all the kings horses and all the kings men couldnt get humpty dumpty to stop eating noodles
elspazz0: oh shit. im in the office alone laughing to myself, how sad
agentamek: not sad, you're making money for talking on AIM
elspazz0: the sad thing is that the funniest things we say can never, ever go in the cat book
Okay, that last one made me cry laughing. More later when my boss goes away.